Take an interdisciplinary approach to global and transnational issues. Develop an in-depth understanding of international relations, current global issues, recent world history, and modern cultures and societies, along with gaining analytical skills suited for the study of other societies and international issues.

Focus on a region of the world and develop a thematic concentration from wide-ranging fields, such as international development and migration, human rights and law, diplomacy, and foreign affairs, international business and commerce, literature, religion, popular culture, and the fine arts.

Explore Internships & Careers

Internship opportunities offer real-world experiences. You can complete internships for academic credit or non-credit. Many students choose to complete both.

  • Peace Corps: Lesotho/Sierra Leone/Mozambique
  • Multinational corporations in Ireland, Portugal, and Argentina
  • United Nations
  • Catholic Relief Services

Both majors and minors are strongly encouraged to study abroad. For further information, schedule a campus visit and learn more about the Loras College Center for Experiential Learning.

What can you do?

  • Public Policy and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • International Development Agencies
  • International Business and Law
  • International Education Services, Research, and Teaching
  • Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs
  • Post-graduation service opportunities (Peace Corps/Jesuit Volunteer Corps)

The senior capstone research project allows you to select your own topic and shape your project based on your own original research and interests. Through collaboration with the professor of the course and peer feedback, you can produce unique and creative work that will prepare you for future careers or graduate school.

Course Highlights

Issues in Global Politics

This course introduces the major problems confronting the international community and that community’s efforts to address them. The focus is on common global issues such as globalization, nationalism, human rights, war, economic development, poverty, the status of women, and the environment.

Themes in World History

The course explores a variety of themes to look at the changing political geography of the world from 1945 to present. Case studies include independence movements in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean from the 1940s to 1970s and the subsequent migrations of decolonization and postcolonial labor migration leading to the changing socio-cultural landscapes across the globe.


This course examines how international migrants, transnational communities, and diasporas around the world actively engage and participate in the democratic politics of their homelands through the establishment of hometown associations and organizations, the use of popular culture and the arts to foster activism and change, developing strong networks to enable socio-economic remittances, and the formation of political parties and alliances.

graduate degree Opportunities

Loras offers a variety of graduate, dual degree & accelerated pathways to pursue both your undergraduate and graduate degrees efficiently and economically.

Loras College Student

Clubs & Orgs

We have a variety of opportunities for you to get involved from the moment you set foot on campus.

DuPeace & Justice
Global Student Union
League of United Latin American Citizens

Straight Talk from a Duhawk

Loras feels like home to me. Everyone is so friendly and inviting. If you are sitting alone, someone is sure to ask you if you want company. If you pass someone you know, they are sure to say hello. The environment is one that feels so warm, like home.

— Miranda (’24)

Meet Your Professors

photo Benjamin Darr PhD faculty

Benjamin Darr  PhD

Associate Professor of Politics

Loras College Crest graphic

Mark Kehren  PhD

Associate Professor of History

Loras College Crest graphic

Biniv Maskay  PhD

Associate Professor of Economics

International Studies News