
Undergraduate 2025-26

Below are Loras College’s direct and indirect costs. Included are fixed costs, such as tuition and fees, and indirect cost estimates on books and personal expenses for the current year. Please note housing and meal costs are average costs.

Rates are effective from the summer 2025 term through the spring 2026 term. Tuition and fees do not vary across terms. Credit hour rates and fees are reviewed yearly, and increases take effect every summer term.

Estimated Direct Costs

Annual full-time tuition (12-18 credits per semester; maximum 36 credits per year)$39,430
Double room$5,776
Meal plan (Dewey’s Dining Plan)$6,000
Student and program fees (includes laptop)$1,988
Total Direct Costs$53,194
View Price Details

Estimated Indirect Costs

Personal expenses$1,700
Direct loan fees$59
Total Indirect Costs$3,719

Part-Time Direct Costs

Part-time tuition$850 per credit hour
Part-time student fees$68 per credit hour

Summer Courses

Summer tuition$405 per credit hour
Summer student fees$64 per credit hour

Additional Fees

Lifetime transcript fee (post-SP23)$100 billed first term
One-time transcript fee (pre-SP23)$10
Graduation fee$150 billed at term of graduation
Optional laptop rental (part-time students only)$400 for 1-6 credits per fall+spring term
$200 for 7-11 credits per fall+spring term

Price Details 2025-26

Tuition: $39,430

The standard tuition rate per semester is $19,715 for 12 to 18 credits. Credits taken during the May term will be included in the spring full-time tuition rate. There will only be an additional tuition charge if the student is not registered full-time in the spring or fall or takes more than 36 credit hours between fall, May term, and spring combined. All students taking more than 18 or under 12 credits are charged $850 per credit hour.

Miscellaneous charges such as music lessons, course fees, lab fees, or additional charges related to the May term are indicated in the course descriptions and are not included in the tuition price listed above.

Student & Program Fees: $1,988

This fee is collected on behalf of student organizations such as College Activities Board (CAB), Student Senate, student programming, etc. Technology services are also included in this fee. All full-time students pay the student and program fees.

Course Fees

Some courses may have an additional course fee that applies. View the course descriptions to see any additional fees.

Online Bookstore Charges

Students may use their student account to purchase books. The Online Bookstore accepts American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, and Visa.

Meal Plan Options

All students living in traditional housing (Beckman, Binz, and Rohlman) are required to have a meal plan. The meal contract entitles students to meals when classes are in session. Duhawk Dollars cannot be used during periods when the college is closed. The plans are not transferable from one student to another, and any meals not eaten at the end of the semester are not transferable and are nonrefundable. First and second-year students are required to participate in either Dewey’s Daily Meal Plan or Dewey’s Dining Plan.

All meal plans will automatically be reassigned for the spring semester unless the residence life office is notified of a meal plan change application via Loras Residence Symplicity. Meal plans cannot be changed after the first Friday of the term during the fall and spring semesters. Meal plans are available for use on campus during the times that May Term classes are in session at no additional cost.

Dewey’s Daily$3,350 / $6,700
Dewey’s Dining$3,000 / $6,000
Dewey’s On-the-Go$1,600 / $3,200

Alternative Meal Plan Options

Students living in alternative housing (Byrne Oaks, Lynch-McCarthy Apartments, Smyth Hall, or College-owned houses) receive a Loras Meal Plan included with their housing assignment. Students can upgrade to any other available meal plan at their request. The Duhawk Plan or Loras Meal Plan contracts entitle students to meals only when classes are in session. Duhawk Dollars cannot be used during college breaks. The plan is not transferable from one student to another.

Duhawk Plan$650 / $1,300
Loras Meal Plan$300 / $600
These plans are not available to students living in traditional campus housing.

Campus Housing Options

Residence Halls and Apartments

Lynch-McCarthy Apts$6,900*
Beckman Premium $6,786$6,200
Byrne Oaks$6,506*$6,224*
*These housing assignments include the Loras Meal Plan
^Indicates the rate that is used for an estimated cost on the financial aid award letter students receive.
Students who choose a more expensive housing option will see an increase from the estimated amount on the award letter.


1870 Alta Vista$5,706776 Loras Blvd$5,832
1920 Alta Vista$5,832810 Loras Blvd$5,832
706 Angella$5,832820 Loras Blvd$5,832
726 Angella$5,404830 Loras Blvd$5,404
770 Angella$5,396840 Loras Blvd$5,832
1381 Belmont$5,832860 Loras Blvd$5,832
1395 Belmont$5,832870 Loras Blvd$5,404
1816 Cox$5,396880 Loras Blvd$5,832
1920 Cox$5,404870 Loras Blvd$5,404
830 Kirkwood$5,404548 May Place$5,396
840 Kirkwood$5,404655 W. 17 Street$5,832
890 Kirkwood$5,832660 W. 17 Street$5,832
908 Kirkwood$5,832705 W. 17 Street$5,832
920 Kirkwood$5,832711 W. 17 Street$5,396
930 Kirkwood$6,032725 W. 17 Street$5,832
998 Kirkwood$5,832
These housing assignments include the Loras Meal Plan

Questions? Contact Us

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Office of Financial Planning

Student Accounts
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