Your health and well-being are a priority at Loras. Our student health services provide medical care and counseling to all enrolled students. In addition, the campus public safety office helps ensure a secure campus environment. By caring for your health and safety, Loras enables you to thrive academically and socially.
8 am-3:30 pm Monday-Friday
P 563.588.7142
F 563.588.7659
8 am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday
P 563.588.7142
F 563.588.7659
24-hour Information Desk
P 563.588.7100
Health Center
We provide health care and education to the campus community in a caring, cost-effective, and convenient way, endorsing behaviors that support your total wellness, including the physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, and environmental aspects of health.
A professional registered nurse will assess and offer treatment, provide over-the-counter medications, or a referral to another health care provider, if necessary. Most services are available at no charge to Loras students.
Health Forms & Immunizations
As part of our commitment to health and wellness, we want to protect students against communicable diseases.
Complete the health history form and attach a copy of your vaccine record. The Loras College Health Center will also accept this information via mail, fax, or email.
While we only require two MMR immunizations, we highly recommend immunization for meningitis. Talk to your physician about the benefits of receiving the vaccination.
All visits and records kept by the Health Center are confidential. Parents of patients eighteen years and older, parents or spouses of emancipated minors, and other next of kin will not have access to the medical record without student permission.
Health Center FAQ
Counseling Center
Our counseling services provide a safe place for you to work through emotional issues that may impede your ability to succeed academically. Services assist in helping students grow emotionally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually.
Support is offered through individual psychotherapy, group counseling, crisis management, outreach, and consultation to students. When off-campus expertise or psychiatric assistance is needed, counselors will assist students with the referral process.
Health Center FAQ
Get in Touch
Tricia Borelli, MA, LMHC
Director of Counseling Services
Italee Castellon, LMSW
Confidentiality is regulated in the same manner as with your private doctor. No one other than counseling staff has access to patient records without permission from the patient. The records are not part of any other files at the college.