Textbooks and related Online Bookstore orders must be picked up from Dewey’s Perch by the person named in the “Ship To” field within forty-five calendar days of arrival at the school. Your Loras student ID or other form of ID is required at the time of pick up. Reasonable efforts will be taken to notify you that you item is available for pick up.
Loras College will store your items for no more than forty-five calendar days. Any textbook or other items that are not claimed by the student within forty-five calendar days shall be deemed abandoned. After the forty-five calendar day period, the institution has sole discretion to sell or otherwise dispose of the abandoned items in any manner it deems appropriate. If any costs are incurred by Loras for taking ownership of the abandoned items, these costs will be transferred to the student. For students using a book voucher of any kind to purchase these materials, the charges associated with the purchase have been or will be added to your student account. Under no circumstances will these book charges be removed from your student account or waived.
If the materials are subject to a rental agreement, the college will attempt, but is not required to, return the materials to the company. Loras College is not responsible for any additional charges imposed on the student for failure to return materials subject to a rental agreement.