Celebrate Your New Duhawk Status
You’ve made a great decision! Between now and move-in day, we will guide you on your next steps so you will get off to a great start!
Review Enrollment Checklist
This checklist is informational only. Use it to keep track of required steps and due dates to help make move-in day much smoother. Items in red are required items to complete, accessible within your online checklist through your admission student portal. Please contact the Office of Admission with any questions.
Follow These Steps
1. Register for Orientation
Orientation is designed to help you transition into the Loras Community. Sessions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis with limited space. You must be accepted and have submitted your deposit prior to registration. Contact student life at 563.588.7731 with any questions or concerns.
Please Note: A Loras Admission login and password are required to sign up for the available Orientation and Registration dates above. If you are unsure of your login and password, call us at 563.588.7236 or email admission@loras.edu.
12:15 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Alumni Campus Center
- Check-In opens at 12:15 pm
- Optional tours of Beckman Hall leave promptly at 12:30 pm and 4:30 pm. Tours last 30 minutes.
- Students are required to attend all orientation sessions which run from 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
8:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Miller Academic Resource Center
- Check-In opens at 8:00 am
- Students are required to attend all orientation sessions which run from 8:30 am to 10:30 am
What to Bring
- Photo ID
- Know your SSN
- Required Health Forms
What You Do
- Receive & Set-Up Your Laptop
- Learn How to Use Campus Software Systems
- Register for Classes
- Take Student ID Photo
- Join Sessions About Life at Loras
2. Finalize Financial Aid & Loan Options
All students planning to enroll must sign and return their financial aid award letter. During your orientation summer session, you will learn about financial aid and loan options. If you have additional questions, please contact the office of financial planning.
F 563.588.7119
Loras College Office of Financial Planning
1450 Alta Vista St.
Dubuque, IA 52001
3. Student Billing & Payment Plans
Preview our undergraduate billing and payment procedures for information regarding payment plans and billing policies. Start by setting up your student account. Loras has partnered with GradGuard™ to offer tuition insurance. Plans are completely optional.
4. Submit Required Health Forms
Please complete the following and submit to the Health Center via mail, email, or fax prior to the first day of classes. As part of our commitment to promote health and wellness, we want to ensure you are protected against communicable diseases. Please talk with your physician about the benefits of vaccination.
- Documentation of two MMR vaccines
- Required health information form
- Student-athlete form, due July 31
Loras College Health Center
1450 Alta Vista St.
Dubuque, IA 52001
5. Housing & Meal Plan
We’re so excited for you to live on campus! Loras’ residence halls provide a great environment to meet many people who are different from yourself. It is where lifelong friendships are made.
The housing application opens in late December or early January. Look for an email with a housing application and unique housing login instructions. Housing assignments will be sent out by June 30. Watch your emails for more information.
6. Send Final Transcript
Once your graduation has been officially notated, please have your high school send your final transcript to admission@loras.edu. If you received AP, dual credits, or college credits, official documentation of completion must be sent to the Registrar’s Office electronically to registrar@loras.edu or mailed.
7. Access Loras Email
Your Loras email is our primary means of communicating and contacting you over the summer. After you are assigned an official Loras email account—during your orientation session—please make sure you check it weekly over the summer and daily once you are on campus.
Need help accessing your account? Contact helpdesk@loras.edu or 563.588.4949.
8. Order Your Textbooks
Order online and have your textbooks shipped to your home or to campus, while digital course material access is emailed. Your materials will be delivered via email or shipped USPS, FedEx, or UPS. Pick up your books at Dewey’s Perch, the new Loras College spirit shop.
9. Order a BedLoft
After you receive your housing assignment, you can rent a bed loft and a microwave/fridge combo through our partner, bedloft.com. Your order will be delivered to your room. You are responsible for assembling the loft. The loft will be returned at the end of the second semester.
10. Purchase Parking Permit
Campus parking permits are valid annually from August 1 to August 1. You must register your vehicle and purchase a parking permit to park on any Loras lot. To park in student parking areas, the parking permit is $150. To park in long-term parking (lower tiers of Keane Hall lot only) the permit is $75.
Questions? Contact Us
Registrar’s Office
Financial Aid
Office of Financial Planning
Student Accounts
Business Office
Health Center
P 563.588.7142
F 563.588.7659
Campus Safety
24-hour Information Desk
Student Life
Student Development
Help Desk
Residential Life
Spiritual Life