Summer 2025

2025 Dates
Session 1: June 15-20
Sign-Up Opens Dec 3/ 8 a.m. CST
Session 2: June 22-27
Sign-Up Opens Dec 4/ 8 a.m. CST
Session 3: July 6-11
Sign-Up Opens Dec 5/ 8 a.m. CST
Session 4: July 13-18
Sign-Up Opens Dec 6/ 8 a.m. CST

Choose Your Sport
One Major & Two Minors
Majors are 2.5 hours a day, and minors are 1.5 hours per day. Additional sport choices must be selected if first preferences are full and campers are waitlisted for a sport.
Sports will be allotted the first week of March. Confirmation packets will be mailed in March.

Complete Your Paddle
Earned, Not Given
The child must first earn the paddle, and then each child can earn the eight brands represented in the acronym L-C-P-A-D-D-L-E.
Each letter in the acronym represents a Christian value: Love, Christianity, Perseverance, Attitude, Dedication, Discipline, Loyalty, and Enthusiasm.

2025 Tuition Rates
Save on multiple children.
Resident Camper
Going into 2-9 grade (7-14)
Roommate within 1 grade.
1 Major – 2.5 hours
2 Minors – 1.5 hours each
Huddle Group of 10-12 kids
Resident Camper 2nd Child
Going into 2-9 grade (7-14)
Roommate within 1 grade.
1 Major – 2.5 hours
2 Minors – 1.5 hours each
Huddle Group of 10-12 kids
Day Camper
Going into 2-9 grade (7-14)
Picked up at 9 p.m.
1 Major – 2.5 hours
2 Minors – 1.5 hours each
Huddle Group of 10-12 kids
Day Camper 2nd Child
Going into 2-9 grade (7-14)
Picked up at 9 p.m.
1 Major – 2.5 hours
2 Minors – 1.5 hours each
Huddle Group of 10-12 kids
Grades indicate entering grade level.



Rock Climbing





What to Pack
Please mark or label your camper’s items.
The camp is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Day Campers
- Equipment needed for major and minor instruction.
- Equipment for free time (swimsuit, towel, and 1 change of clothes).
- Lockers are available.
Resident Campers
- Athletic shorts
- T-shirts
- 2 pair of basketball/tennis shoes (no sandals)*
- Socks
- Jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt
- Swimming suit & towel (1 piece suit girls or tankini/ swim trucks boys)
- Pajamas
- Poncho or raincoat
- Jeans or long pants
- Beds are extra-long twin size; 2 full-size flat sheets will also work
Camp Dress Code
- Loras All-Sports Camp is an athletic, activity-oriented camp, and we require the ‘sports look’ at all times.
- Athletic shoes, socks, shorts, and shirts are to be worn at all times.
- ‘Short shorts,’ rolled shorts, yoga or tight-fitting exercise pants, spaghetti strap tops, strapless tops, bare midriffs, and sandals are not allowed.
- No jewelry, pierced or otherwise, must be worn during instruction and activities for safety reasons.
- No expensive, dressy outfits are necessary.
Bring for Sports
- Aerial Dance: leotards or tighter-fitting shorts and top
- Baseball: glove required; hat or visor optional
- Basketball: additional pair of clean shoes to be worn on court
- Biking: bike helmet, insect repellent.
- Canoeing: extra swimsuit, water shoes or flip-flops, sunscreen, insect repellent
- Fishing: sunscreen, insect repellent
- Football: football shoes are suggested but not required
- Gymnastics: leotards or tighter-fitting shorts and top
- Golf: bag, balls, clubs (driver, 3 wood, putter, 5, 7, & 9 irons) no pull-carts
- Hiking: extra shoes to be worn on trails and in woods, drawstring backpack, insect repellent, hat
- Soccer: soccer shoes and shin guards
- Softball: glove required, hat or visor optional
- Swimming: goggles and additional towels, shower shoes optional
- Tennis: racquet, tennis shoes, sunscreen
Miscellaneous Items
- Fan (tabletop, box, or free-standing style)
- Laundry bag
- Pillow & pillowcase
- 1 set of twin-size extra-long sheets
- Blanket or sleeping bag
- Bath towels & washcloths
- Toilet articles
- Hand soap
- Sunscreen, insect repellent
- Money for Camp Store (optional)
- Paddle (returning campers only)
- Gold Bond Powder (optional)
What Not to Bring
- Cellular phones, pagers, two-way radios, smart watches, portable electronic devices, CD/DVD players, iPods/MP3 players, Game Boys, expensive cameras or TV
- Inappropriate music and reading material
- Jewelry and watches. These items are often lost, and we cannot be responsible
- Refrigerator/cooler
- Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and illegal drugs are prohibited and will be cause for dismissal from camp
Camps Care Packages

Each care package includes a specially designed short-sleeve T-shirt, drawstring backpack, mood cup, back scratcher pen, tattoos, four snacks, and two drink vouchers. $40
Care packages will be delivered to campers on Tuesday evening.
5-Day Activity Schedule
Sunday Check-in
- 2-4 p.m. Resident camper check-in
- 3:15-4 p.m. Day camper check-in
- Check-in includes:
- Meeting camp nurse
- Receiving room & huddle assignment
- Meeting your camp counselor
- Brief orientation
- 4 p.m. Parents leave camp
- 4:10 p.m. Camper activities begin
- 6 p.m. Dinner
- 9 p.m. Day camper pick-up
Daily Evening Schedule
Sunday Get acquainted & trust-building activities
Monday Team-building activities
Tuesday Games and group activities
Wednesday Fun night dance, swim, movie
Thursday Council fire
Friday Camp Olympics at Rock Bowl Stadium
Daily Schedule (Mon-Thu)
- 8:00 a.m. Breakfast
- 8:30 a.m. Day Campers arrive
- 9:00-11:30 a.m. Major activity
- 12:30 p.m. Lunch
- 1:00-1:45 p.m. Feeling good time
- 1:45-3:00 p.m. 1st Minor
- 3:00-3:15 p.m. Break
- 3:15-4:30 p.m. 2nd Minor
- 4:30-5:15 p.m. Supervised free time
- 5:30 p.m. Dinner
- 6:30 p.m. Huddle competition by age group
- 7:30 p.m. Evening program
- 9:00 p.m. Day campers depart
- 9:45 p.m. Individual huddle meetings and lights out
Friday Olympics
At the end of each session on Friday, the Camp Olympics are held. This is an opportunity for parents to see their campers in action!
Below is the schedule of events. A more detailed schedule of where campers will be located throughout the day will be available upon arrival at the Rock Bowl Stadium.
Please arrive early enough to allow for parking; the opening ceremony starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. Halls will not be opened for room pick-up until after 8:45 a.m. No exceptions.
- 8:45 a.m. Report to Rock Bowl Stadium
- 9 a.m. Opening Ceremonies in Rock Bowl
- 9:30-9:55 a.m. First Competition
- 10:05-10:30 a.m. Second Competition
- 10:40-11:05 a.m. Third Competition
- 11:25 p.m. Closing Ceremonies in Rock Bowl
- 12 p.m. Noon Lunch – Campers Free
Meet Our Staff

Tom Kult, Director
This will be Tom’s 9th year as director of the All-Sports Camp. He has been part of the camp for thirty-two years, having roles as the assistant director, program director, head counselor, and starting as a counselor in 1993.

Bob & Judy Tucker, Founders
Dr. Bob Tucker and his wife, Judy, founded All-Sports Camp at Loras College in 1982. Since then, they have developed the camp into one of the country’s premier sports camps for children. The camp consistently attracts over 2,400 campers.
Employment Opportunities
Loras All-Sports Camp is a camp where Christian values are taught and emphasized through the vehicle of sports. Staff must be comfortable talking about Christian values as represented by the brands on the paddle. Staff need to be able to facilitate small group activity and discussion. Counselors, Resident Instructors, and Athletic Trainers live in the dorms with the campers and are on duty from the time the campers arrive on Sunday until they leave on Friday, with a few hours off each day.
Counselors are responsible for the care and well-being of all campers in their huddle group of 8-12 campers, depending on the age of the group. Counselors also are expected to instruct in a sport during either Majors or Minors and to participate with the campers during huddle activity and huddle competition.
Instructors are responsible for coaching majors and/or minors Monday through Friday. Instructors do not stay on campus during the week.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us
Camp Office
1450 Alta Vista Street
Dubuque, IA 52001-4399
P 563.588.7053
F 563.588.4975
Office Hours
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
During Camp Weeks: June/July
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
8 a.m.-9 p.m.