
2025 Dates


Session 1: June 15-20

Sign-Up Opens Dec 3/ 8 a.m. CST

Session 2: June 22-27

Sign-Up Opens Dec 4/ 8 a.m. CST

Session 3: July 6-11

Sign-Up Opens Dec 5/ 8 a.m. CST

Session 4: July 13-18

Sign-Up Opens Dec 6/ 8 a.m. CST

Choose Your Sport

One Major & Two Minors

Majors are 2.5 hours a day, and minors are 1.5 hours per day. Additional sport choices must be selected if first preferences are full and campers are waitlisted for a sport.

Sports will be allotted the first week of March. Confirmation packets will be mailed in March.

Loras All-Sports Camp

Complete Your Paddle

Earned, Not Given

The child must first earn the paddle, and then each child can earn the eight brands represented in the acronym L-C-P-A-D-D-L-E.

Each letter in the acronym represents a Christian value: Love, Christianity, Perseverance, Attitude, Dedication, Discipline, Loyalty, and Enthusiasm.

All-Sports Camp student smiling and diving into the arms of her teammates who are waiting to catch her.

2025 Tuition Rates

Save on multiple children.

Resident Camper


Going into 2-9 grade (7-14)

Roommate within 1 grade.

1 Major – 2.5 hours

2 Minors – 1.5 hours each

Huddle Group of 10-12 kids

Resident Camper 2nd Child


Going into 2-9 grade (7-14)

Roommate within 1 grade.

1 Major – 2.5 hours

2 Minors – 1.5 hours each

Huddle Group of 10-12 kids

Day Camper


Going into 2-9 grade (7-14)

Picked up at 9 p.m.

1 Major – 2.5 hours

2 Minors – 1.5 hours each

Huddle Group of 10-12 kids

Day Camper 2nd Child


Going into 2-9 grade (7-14)

Picked up at 9 p.m.

1 Major – 2.5 hours

2 Minors – 1.5 hours each

Huddle Group of 10-12 kids

Cancellation Information


  • December 1-31: Forfeit $25
  • January 1-31: Forfeit $100
  • February 1-March 31: Forfeit $200
  • April 1-May 31: Forfeit $300
  • After June 1: entire tuition, including deposit is forfeited

After June 1, refunds will be permitted only for medical reason verified by the attending physician. Medical cancellations must be verified within 30 days of cancellation to receive full refund—less a $300 processing fee. After 30 days, only half tuition will be refunded. All cancellations must be in written form. See our full Refund and Cancellation Policy in the FAQ section.

Bus Information

We will no longer be offering the bus service to and from the Hinsdale Oasis.


Grades indicate entering grade level.

Aerial Dance

Minor, off campus, $75 fee

Aerial Dance encompasses horizontal and vertical movement. It is an exciting combination of modern dance and circus acrobatics. Campers start low to the ground with the basics of climbing, poses, swings, and breath work, connections of dance elements between the ground and the air. Develops upper body and core strength, balance, flexibility and body awareness and learn to dance in the air! (Limit – 28)

Adventure Challenge

Major, off campus, 5-9 grade, $100 fee

Exciting adventure activities to challenge the campers to set higher goals through the use of advanced high and low rope elements.

Prerequisite for this activity is previous experience in rock climbing, and student must be entering 5th – 9th grade. 

Activities are taught at the beautiful Four Mounds outdoor recreation facility. Instruction is conducted by Team Building Blocks and Associates. (Limit – 50)

Adventure Challenge Minor ($75 fee) – Covers the same as the Major except less time given to each area due to time constraints and no zip line. Prerequisite for this activity is previous experience in rock climbing, and student must be entering 2nd – 9th grade. (Limit – 40)


Minor, off campus, $75 fee

Introduced to the fundamentals of shooting target archery, terminology and rules. Safety will be stressed along with proper handling of a bow and arrow. Shooting at different target faces and distances will be incorporated into practice sessions. (Limit – 80)


Need tennis shoes

Rules of the game and skills of racket preparation, general strokes, serves, volleys, lobs, overhead swings, single and double play strategies will be taught. Emphasis placed on meeting individual skill level needs of each camper. Drills, various lead-up games, activities, videotaping and competition will be included.(Limit – 24)


Minor, off campus
Need glove

Covers the basics of throwing, infield and outfield fundamentals, base running, hitting through use of drills lead-up games and game situations. Drills and lead-up games will be broken into ability groups.

Basketball (Boys or Girls)


Covers the basic fundamentals of ball handling and dribbling with both hands, passing and rebounding, shooting and defense. Drills, lead-up games, and league games will be utilized. All activities are divided according to ability level. Limit: 75


Covers the same as the Major except less time given to each area due to time constraints.


Major, off campus, $85 fee

Depending upon ability, campers will have an opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals as well as refine and become a more consistent bowler. All sessions are divided into groups according to ability levels. Lessons will include challenge activities and games. Limit: 30

Minor, off campus, $75 fee

Covers the same as the Major except less time given to each area due to time constraints. Limit: 60

Canoeing/Kayaking/Dragon Boating

Major, off campus, 5-9 grade, $95 fee
Need bathing/swimsuit. all other equipment is provided;  additional bathing suits recommended. Must have passed beginning swimming level.

Learn the basics of water safety procedures and skills necessary to participate in canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, and dragon boat racing in a safe, effective manner. All activities will be done on the backwaters of the Mississippi River. Limit: 36

The Dubuque Dragon Boat is an original wooden boat from China. It was donated from the Field Museum of Chicago. Models were made from that boat to create new boats made from fiberglass. The boat is forty-feet long and about four feet wide in the middle. The boat weighs 2,000 pounds. without the paddlers. A dragon boat team consists of eighteen paddlers, a drummer (who is the coach), a flag catcher, and a sterns man. Paddlers sit side by side, two rows of nine, and work together to move the boat 300 meters to the finish. To win the race, the flag catcher must climb on top of the dragon’s head and reach out and grab the flag. In the Midwest, most races are 300 meters long and two boats race against each other for the fastest time.


Minor, 2-6 grade

Learn and practice jumps, motion cheers, chants, and dance routines. Perform at the closing ceremonies of the camp on Friday morning. Limit: 100

Cross-Country Running

Minor, off campus

As road racing and marathons have become more popular fitness and recreational activities in the US so has cross-country running at the junior high school and high school level. Campers will go through proper warm-up, stretching, and cool-down techniques as well as participate in different types of training for cross-country running. Popular games such as scavenger Hunt and Lions and Gazelles will be played. Campers will also learn about running form, pacing, race strategies, nutrition, and recovery. Limit: 30


Minor, 2-6 grade

Dance will teach the basics of jazz, pop, and rock, learning steps and combinations that are new and creative. Campers will also learn routines to perform for each other during instruction. Different levels will be provided from beginner to advanced, so everyone is welcome. No special dance wear is required. Limit: 60


Must be at the advanced beginner level. Need towels, swimsuit, goggles.

This program is for divers that have limited experience and a desire to grow their diving skills. Skills learned include: developing approaches, fine tuning basic dives, flipping and introducing spatial awareness. Limit: 25

Figure Skating

Minor, off campus, $75 fee
Ice skates provided if needed. Long pants and sweatshirt recommended.

This activity is for campers who have had previous experience in ice skating. This is a more advanced experience than Ice Skating. If you are not a beginning skater this fun filled skating experience is for you.

Learn techniques and skills you see on TV from an instructor who competed nationally. Figure skating will take place at the brand new $7.5 million Mystique Community Ice Center. Limit: 40


Major, off campus, $80 fee
Supplies provided.

Introduce casting techniques, fishing methods, spin casting and fly casting techniques, and water safety. With the opportunity to fish in small ponds, lakes, and streams surrounding Dubuque using the different methods and techniques of fishing. Limit: 30


Major, not tackle
Football shoes recommended but not required. No other pads or equipment necessary

Involves the development of skills and techniques for playing the different positions in offense, defense, and special teams. Involves a variety of drill work, games and punt, pass and kick competition.

Minor, not tackle

Covers the same as the Major except less time given to each area due to time constraints.


Major, off campus, $80 fee
Need bag, clubs: driver, 3 wood, 5, 7, 9 irons, no pull carts.

Instruction will be given on the full swing, pitch shot, chipping, and putting. Emphasis is on the grip, proper alignment, how to address the ball, proper stance, weight transfer and follow-through. Opportunity to practice skills on driving range, putting green and nine hole golf course. Videotaping will be used for analysis of each camper. Limit: 36

Minor, off campus, $70 fee

Same as above except campers will not have time to play a nine hole golf course or be video-taped. Limit: 72


Major, off campus, $85 fee
Need leotards

According to ability levels, the campers will be given the opportunity to develop skills for bars, vault, beam, tumbling and dance. Limit: 26

Hiking/Zip Line

Major, off campus, 5-9 grade, $95 fee 
Must weigh a minimum of 55 pounds.

Campers will need an extra pair of comfortable shoes that will be able to be worn on trails and in the forest. Because of the chance of getting dirty we do not want these shoes to be worn on the gym floors. Campers will learn about wilderness ethics, history, ecology, and geology on the twelve miles of trails.

Trails provide a wide range of opportunities to view the old winding logging roads, to view limestone bluffs, scenic overlooks, and to enjoy a hike through forests and prairie. Some of the trails are steep and challenging. One day of the week the campers will go to SKY Tours to do the zip line course. Limit: 44

Ice Skating

Minor, off campus, $75 fee
Ice Skates provided if needed.

Have you ever wanted to learn to ice skate? Now is the time! Campers will be taught how to ice skate using United States Figure Skating instructional methods.

Campers will practice drills and enjoy fun games which will significantly improve their skating abilities. Learn to Skate will take place at the new $7.5 million Mystique Community Ice Center. Limit: 50


No special clothing required.

Introduces campers to basic martial art skills and drills, sparring strategies, self defense tactics, stranger awareness, bully prevention, and basic weapons training. Campers will learn techniques from various styles of martial arts such as Korean Tang Soo Do, Chinese Kung Fu, Japanese/Okinawa Kobudo, Filipino Escrima/Arnis, etc..

The weapons training consist of: Filipino stick fighting, bo staff, padded nunchakus, sword and lightsaber training, and knife and gun disarming, all of which is designed to improve motor skills, hand eye coordination, dexterity, and flexibility.

We focus on character and leadership qualities such as self discipline, respect, and courtesy. Throughout the course a strong emphasis will be placed on safety, especially in regards to the weapons training.

All campers will be well supervised in a controlled environment by qualified instructors. Master Ron Schmitt, head instructor and Loras alumnus, offers over thirty-six years experience. Master Schmitt and his assistant instructors are certified through the American Tang Soo Do Karate Alliance , Modern Arnis Remy P. Presas International Organization, and the US Tactical Martial Arts Alliance.


Minor, all grade levels, non-contact
Stick will be provided. Optional equipment: mouth piece, soccer shoes. 

The sport of lacrosse is a combination of basketball, soccer and hockey. It includes short sprints up and down the field, and quick changes of direction, and precision passes with a stick. Rules of the game and skills of throwing, catching and scooping, offensive and defensive techniques and strategies will be taught. Emphasis will be on skill development though drills, various lead-up games and activities. Limit: 70

Lawn Games

Major, on campus

This is an outdoor activity that can be played in your own backyard. The games the campers play will work on throwing or hitting different types of objects. The games will strengthen motor skills, work on hand eye coordination, creativity, and sportsmanship. Games that will be played are ladder toss, croquet, bean bags, tetherball, kan jam, spikeball, badminton, and bocce ball.


 Minor, off campus, $75 fee

Rules of the game, emphasis is on technique lead up games and game play. Key elements of serving, returning, volleys, overheads, and lobbing will be taught
and practiced. Emphasis placed on meeting individual skill level needs of each camper.  (Limit – 48)


Minor, 5-9 grade

Sessions integrate yoga and pilates poses, flowing sequences, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques. Independent and group activities will increase preteens’ physical strength, flexibility, coordination, posture and balance. Participants gain a basic understanding of the physical aspects of yoga and pilates with a Christian emphasis. Limit: 52

Rifle Marksmanship

Major, 6-9 grade  Off campus$100 fee
All equipment is provided

Gun safety is stressed along with proper gun handling and loading. Introduce and practice shooting techniques of shooting at target. Campers will learn about bolt-action .22 rifles, how they function, how to safely handle, shoot, maintain and perfecting marksmanship techniques.

Rock Climbing

Major, off campus, $90 fee

Introduce campers to the safety rules and use of the equipment for climbing a low and high wall. Activities include elements of a climbing wall and a high and low ropes course. Activities are taught at the beautiful Four Mounds outdoor recreation facility. Instruction is conducted by Team Building Blocks and Associates. Limit: 45

Minor, off campus, $75 fee

Same as Major except less time given to each area due to time constraints. Limit: 60


Need shin guards and soccer shoes, tennis shoes may be worn instead.

Rules of the game and skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, trapping, heading, finishing, and shooting will be introduced and practiced. Drills, small-sided games and large-sided games as well as league play will be utilized.


Covers the same as the Major except less time given to each area due to time constraints


Need glove

Skills of throwing, catching, infield and outfield, techniques, hitting fundamentals and base running will be introduced and practiced. Use of station teaching, drill work and games will be incorporated into each lesson. Limit: 15

Sports Performance

Major, 6-9 grade

Each camper will be introduced to basic movement patterns of sports. The emphasis will be on teaching proper techniques in all aspects of training for sports.

The program will include a total body workout, dynamic warm-up, strength training, speed, agility, and competitive activities. All to enhance athletic performance and to decrease the risk of injury. Limit: 50

Minor – Covers the same as the Major except less time given to each area due to time constraints. Limit: 50



(Need towel(s), swimsuit and goggles) – Must be at the advanced beginner level
Major-Campers will be divided into three groups: advanced beginners, intermediate and advanced. Each group will practice skills which are appropriate for that level. Dry land drills, water drills, videotaping, games and/or relays will be used. Water Polo skills and techniques will be introduced as one of the fun games. (Limit – 25)

Minor–Covers the same as the major except no videotaping and will have less time for practice of skills. (Limit – 50)


Need racquet and tennis shoes.

Campers will be divided into four groups according to ability level. Rules of the game and skills of racket preparation, good strokes, serves, volleys, lobs, overhead swings, single and double play strategies will be taught. Emphasis placed on meeting the individual skill level needs of each camper. Drills, various lead-up games, activities, videotaping and competition will be included. Limit: 50

Same as Majors except no videotaping and will have less time for practice of each skill. Limit: 90

Track & Field


Campers will be divided into three groups based upon age. Each group will be given an opportunity to develop skills in sprinting, starts, relay hand-offs, hurdles, high jump, long jump, triple jump, pole vault, shot put, discus and javelin. Station teaching, drills, games, relays, and videotaping will be used.


Same as Majors except no videotaping and less time and practice due to shortened time interval.

Ultimate Frisbee


This fast-paced sport combines the non-stop movement of soccer with aerial passing skills that surpass football. Games are self-officiated and depend on the spirit of the game, a tradition of sportsmanship that places the responsibility for fair play on all players.

The goal is to score points by catching the disc in the opponent’s end zone. The disc may be moved only by passing it from teammate to teammate. Participants will learn about the Spirit of the Game, basic rules, throwing and catching skills, and offensive and defensive tactics of Ultimate while playing the game. Limit: 48


Knee pads recommended.

Practice and develop the skills of passing, spiking, serving and setting. Various drills, lead-up games, activities and league play will be incorporated into practice sessions. Limit: 45


Same as Major except will have less time with practicing of the skills due to shortened time interval. Limit: 56



Rock Climbing






What to Pack

Please mark or label your camper’s items.

The camp is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Day Campers

  • Equipment needed for major and minor instruction.
  • Equipment for free time (swimsuit, towel, and 1 change of clothes).
  • Lockers are available.

Resident Campers

  • Athletic shorts
  • T-shirts
  • 2 pair of basketball/tennis shoes (no sandals)*
  • Socks
  • Jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt
  • Swimming suit & towel (1 piece suit girls or tankini/ swim trucks boys)
  • Pajamas
  • Poncho or raincoat
  • Jeans or long pants
  • Beds are extra-long twin size; 2 full-size flat sheets will also work

Camp Dress Code

  • Loras All-Sports Camp is an athletic, activity-oriented camp, and we require the ‘sports look’ at all times.
  • Athletic shoes, socks, shorts, and shirts are to be worn at all times.
  • ‘Short shorts,’ rolled shorts, yoga or tight-fitting exercise pants, spaghetti strap tops, strapless tops, bare midriffs, and sandals are not allowed.
  • No jewelry, pierced or otherwise, must be worn during instruction and activities for safety reasons.
  • No expensive, dressy outfits are necessary.

Bring for Sports

  • Aerial Dance: leotards or tighter-fitting shorts and top
  • Baseball: glove required; hat or visor optional
  • Basketball: additional pair of clean shoes to be worn on court
  • Biking: bike helmet, insect repellent.
  • Canoeing: extra swimsuit, water shoes or flip-flops, sunscreen, insect repellent
  • Fishing: sunscreen, insect repellent
  • Football: football shoes are suggested but not required
  • Gymnastics: leotards or tighter-fitting shorts and top
  • Golf: bag, balls, clubs (driver, 3 wood, putter, 5, 7, & 9 irons) no pull-carts
  • Hiking: extra shoes to be worn on trails and in woods, drawstring backpack, insect repellent, hat
  • Soccer: soccer shoes and shin guards
  • Softball: glove required, hat or visor optional
  • Swimming: goggles and additional towels, shower shoes optional
  • Tennis: racquet, tennis shoes, sunscreen

Miscellaneous Items

  • Fan (tabletop, box, or free-standing style)
  • Laundry bag
  • Pillow & pillowcase
  • 1 set of twin-size extra-long sheets
  • Blanket or sleeping bag
  • Bath towels & washcloths
  • Toilet articles
  • Hand soap
  • Sunscreen, insect repellent
  • Money for Camp Store (optional)
  • Paddle (returning campers only)
  • Gold Bond Powder (optional)

What Not to Bring

  • Cellular phones, pagers, two-way radios, smart watches, portable electronic devices, CD/DVD players, iPods/MP3 players, Game Boys, expensive cameras or TV
  • Inappropriate music and reading material
  • Jewelry and watches. These items are often lost, and we cannot be responsible
  • Refrigerator/cooler
  • Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and illegal drugs are prohibited and will be cause for dismissal from camp

Camps Care Packages

Each care package includes a specially designed short-sleeve T-shirt, drawstring backpack, mood cup, back scratcher pen, tattoos, four snacks, and two drink vouchers. $40

Care packages will be delivered to campers on Tuesday evening.

5-Day Activity Schedule

Sunday Check-in

  • 2-4 p.m. Resident camper check-in
  • 3:15-4 p.m. Day camper check-in
  • Check-in includes:
    • Meeting camp nurse
    • Receiving room & huddle assignment
    • Meeting your camp counselor
    • Brief orientation
  • 4 p.m. Parents leave camp
  • 4:10 p.m. Camper activities begin
  • 6 p.m. Dinner
  • 9 p.m. Day camper pick-up

Daily Evening Schedule

Sunday Get acquainted & trust-building activities
Monday Team-building activities
Tuesday Games and group activities
Wednesday Fun night dance, swim, movie
Thursday Council fire
Friday Camp Olympics at Rock Bowl Stadium

Daily Schedule (Mon-Thu)

  • 8:00 a.m. Breakfast
  • 8:30 a.m. Day Campers arrive
  • 9:00-11:30 a.m. Major activity
  • 12:30 p.m. Lunch
  • 1:00-1:45 p.m. Feeling good time
  • 1:45-3:00 p.m. 1st Minor
  • 3:00-3:15 p.m. Break
  • 3:15-4:30 p.m. 2nd Minor
  • 4:30-5:15 p.m. Supervised free time
  • 5:30 p.m. Dinner
  • 6:30 p.m. Huddle competition by age group
  • 7:30 p.m. Evening program
  • 9:00 p.m. Day campers depart
  • 9:45 p.m. Individual huddle meetings and lights out

Friday Olympics

At the end of each session on Friday, the Camp Olympics are held. This is an opportunity for parents to see their campers in action!

Below is the schedule of events. A more detailed schedule of where campers will be located throughout the day will be available upon arrival at the Rock Bowl Stadium.

Please arrive early enough to allow for parking; the opening ceremony starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. Halls will not be opened for room pick-up until after 8:45 a.m. No exceptions.

  • 8:45 a.m. Report to Rock Bowl Stadium
  • 9 a.m. Opening Ceremonies in Rock Bowl
  • 9:30-9:55 a.m. First Competition
  • 10:05-10:30 a.m. Second Competition
  • 10:40-11:05 a.m. Third Competition
  • 11:25 p.m. Closing Ceremonies in Rock Bowl
  • 12 p.m. Noon Lunch – Campers Free

Meet Our Staff

Tom Kult, Director

This will be Tom’s 9th year as director of the All-Sports Camp. He has been part of the camp for thirty-two years, having roles as the assistant director, program director, head counselor, and starting as a counselor in 1993.

Bob & Judy Tucker, Founders

Dr. Bob Tucker and his wife, Judy, founded All-Sports Camp at Loras College in 1982. Since then, they have developed the camp into one of the country’s premier sports camps for children. The camp consistently attracts over 2,400 campers.

Employment Opportunities

Loras All-Sports Camp is a camp where Christian values are taught and emphasized through the vehicle of sports. Staff must be comfortable talking about Christian values as represented by the brands on the paddle. Staff need to be able to facilitate small group activity and discussion. Counselors, Resident Instructors, and Athletic Trainers live in the dorms with the campers and are on duty from the time the campers arrive on Sunday until they leave on Friday, with a few hours off each day.

Counselors are responsible for the care and well-being of all campers in their huddle group of 8-12 campers, depending on the age of the group. Counselors also are expected to instruct in a sport during either Majors or Minors and to participate with the campers during huddle activity and huddle competition.

Instructors are responsible for coaching majors and/or minors Monday through Friday. Instructors do not stay on campus during the week.

Frequently Asked Questions

Refund and cancellation policy and payment information


  • December 1-31: Forfeit $25
  • January 1-31: Forfeit $100
  • February 1-March 31: Forfeit $200
  • April 1-May 31: Forfeit $300
  • After June 1: entire tuition, including deposit is forfeited

After June 1, refunds will be permitted only for medical reason verified by the attending physician. Medical cancellations must be verified within 30 days of cancellation to receive full refund—less a $300 processing fee. After 30 days, only half tuition will be refunded. All cancellations must be in written form.

The camp director reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose behavior affects his/her ability to participate or is detrimental to the members of the camp. No refund will be made for absences, dismissals, or withdrawals before the end of the session. In cases of withdrawal during camp based on medical reasons verified by the attending physician within 30 days of withdrawal, remaining tuition may be refunded less the $300 deposit.

There will be a $25 fee for all returned checks.

Final payment for all sessions is due on May 1. If full payment is not received, a late fee of $25 (per camper) will be assessed and the application will be placed on the waiting list for that session. All fees must be paid prior to camp arrival. There will be a $25 fee for all returned checks.

Where health and safety are an issue, at the discretion of the camp director, programs and activities may be cancelled or postponed at any time due to inclement weather or other unanticipated circumstances of a serious matter as they arise with no refund provided.

Will I get a bill or reminder for my camp balance due?

A confirmation letter will be mailed in early March and will list the payment breakdown for each camper and any balance due. This letter will also be emailed to you one week later. Final payment are due May 1. Credit cards will NOT automatically be charged. You may call the camp office to charge the remaining camper balance or check the appropriate box on the bottom portion of your confirmation letter and return it to the camp office.

An email reminder is sent approximately one week prior to the final payment date for each session. Please be sure to have current email information in your camper account. A $25 fee will be assessed per camper for late payments.

Final payment for all sessions is due May 1. If full payment is not received, a late fee of $25 (per camper) will be assessed and the application will be placed on the waiting list for that session. If a payment plan is needed, please contact the camp office. All fees must be paid prior to camp arrival.

How do I register my camper?

To complete camper forms in your account prior to the start of registration, you will need to create an account or sign in and select “I just want to add or update my information” from the ADD PROGRAM tab. This will allow access to the camper’s dashboard before sessions are available for selection.

Sign In or Sign Up to create a new camper account. Multiple campers (siblings) may be added to one account. All forms need to be completed on the camper dashboard, including the Health Form, Camper Profile, Waiver, Years Attended, and Heard From. Day campers will also be asked to fill out the Huddle Buddy Request Form and the Day Camper Release Form.

Sign In or Sign Up to access all forms need to be completed on the camper dashboard, including the Health Form, Camper Profile, Waiver, Years Attended, and Heard From. Day campers will also be asked to fill out the Huddle Buddy Request Form and the Day Camper Release Form. Forms are not transferrable from the prior year to ensure that all information is current.

For early registration you will not be selecting camper activities at the time of session selection and making your deposit. Information on entering sport preferences will be emailed to early registrants at a later time. Activity assignments will be made in early March based on the date and time registrations were received. Confirmations letters will be both emailed and mailed in hard copy form in early March.

Care package and 0ne-way email orders will also be available for selection during registration.

We recommend all camper forms be completed prior to the early and regular registration periods. This will help to expedite the selection of your session choice and making the required $300 minimum deposit payment. Please contact the camp office at 563.588.7053 if you are having trouble with your password or logging into your camper account. You may also email us at

Is The Loras All-Sports Camp staff background checked?

All camp staff are background checked through the Loras College Human Resource Office. Counselors have completed a minimum 1 year of College, many of whom were previous campers. Instructors are teachers and coaches from surrounding area high schools and colleges.

What is Homesickness? How do I deal with my child and homesickness?

Summer camp is a unique respite from the pressures of everyday life. In addition to being fun, attending camp is a wonderful growing and learning opportunity for your child, and will provide him/her with skills, lessons, friendships, and memories that will last a lifetime. Camp is a great place to unlock a child’s potential, develop self-esteem and enhance their social skills while having the time of their lives. You as parents should feel good about providing your child with this wonderful opportunity, and the “letting go” will be good for both of you. It will help develop a healthy independence. For first-time camper, how he/she is prepared will influence the overall experience, and parents are often the key to a rewarding and successful camp session.

First, parents should be supportive and sensitive. Any new experience, especially in a new environment, causes nervousness, but a positive outlook and encouragement are crucial to a successful camp experience. This includes parents as well as campers! According to Bob Ditter, a social worker and former camp director, “Homesickness is as much a parent’s problem as it is a child’s problem.” Talk to your child about camp, the expectations, activities, and the environment, and the fun they will have. A prepared and encouraged child will feel less apprehensive about the impending camp term. Encourage overnight stays with friends and relatives prior to going to camp. This will help your child adjust to being away from home and adapting to new surroundings.

Secondly, how a parent responds to that first “homesick” letter can make or break the camp experience. According to University of California psychologist Chris Thuber, homesickness is actually the norm and not the exception. In his studies he found that a whopping 83% of the campers studied reported homesickness on at least one day of camp. David G. Richardson, director of the Fay School, states, “Homesickness is a part of life. It’s a part of growing up and breaking away. Most people experience homesickness at some time in their lives. Many people learn to cope with homesickness at summer camp, and camp is a good place to deal with the feeling of homesickness. Camp is a place for children to learn self-confidence. Camp is a place where children learn about responsibility. Camp is a place to have fun with new friends. Camp is a safe, caring environment where nurturing adults are trained to support children through this sometimes difficult growth process. Homesickness is normal and will go away!”

If you should receive a homesick letter from your camper, don’t panic! If you can, wait for the next letter to see if the content has become more optimistic. Often the first couple of days are a big adjustment and it may take some time for your camper to become more involved in the program, cabin and activities and to make some friends. Be sympathetic, but positive and encouraging in your replies. Don’t dwell on how much you miss them, how lonely things are without them or giving too much information about home which may cause anxiety. Ask lots of questions about camp, their activities, new friends, and be encouraging. Also, in this day of instant access, email is wonderful for quick messages. Parents need to be careful, though, not to send so many instant “messages” that they interfere with their child’s adjustment to camp life. If things continue to look ‘grim’, be prepared to work with camp staff to help your child work through the situation. Call camp and express your concerns. Let the staff investigate the situation and get back with you. Have faith in your camper and the camp staff. Your child’s camp counselors play an important role in the adjustment process and are probably the most instrumental persons in dealing with your camper. They are prepared. Let them do the job you have entrusted them to do.

We take the attitude that homesickness is a natural occurrence and simply means that a camper misses his/her family and the security of being with them. Our job is to help your camper work through these feelings and to learn to feel secure in the camp environment. Rest assured that if your child is having an extremely difficult time at camp that someone from camp will contact you to discuss the best way to handle the situation and your child. If you don’t hear from camp, but the letters home are sad, then this could mean your child is writing homesick letters, but not exhibiting homesick behavior. It is very possible that your camper is actually doing well at camp, but had a low moment of some kind which he/she needed to share with you. View this as a compliment because your child trusts you and knows he/she can count on you for comfort and encouragement at that difficult moment.

Please avoid the temptation to pick your child up early if he/she is unhappy, or to “make a deal”. Avoid telling your child, “If you give camp a few days and don’t like it, I will come get you.” The offer to rescue your child is done with the best of intentions, but a child may focus on nothing else but how to make this happen and will never give camp a fair chance. Don’t feel guilty about encouraging your child to stay at camp. This opportunity is the first step toward independence and plays an important role in their growth and development. However, trust your instincts. A very small percentage of homesick cases can be severe, with a camper not eating or sleeping and suffering from severe anxiety or depression. In these circumstances, camp will work with the families and camper to get through this rough time, but in rare occasions it may be necessary for the child to go home. If this is the decision, the remaining time spent at home is vital to keeping the child productive and minimizing blows to his/her self-esteem. Discuss what worked and didn’t work for your child at camp. Emphasize that it was a learning experience and discuss what was leaned. Focus on the positive and encourage your child to try a new adventure or program next summer.

We will do everything in our power to insure a memorable and happy camp experience for your child. If you have any concerns this summer, please let us know. Our goal is for your camper to be with us for many summers and that Loras All-Sports camp will be their ‘home away from home”!

When will I get confirmation that my child is accepted into camp?

Once the payment has been processed, an email confirmation will be sent and the online status will change to “Registered”. Online camper status will remain at “Enrolled but not registered” until the minimum deposit or payment has been processed. Activities will be assigned in March, prior to mailing confirmation letters. We appreciate your patience as we process the many applications we receive each year.

How can I communicate with my child while they are at camp?

Our one-way email is available on your camper dashboard. All emails will be printed daily and given to campers at breakfast. Emails will be delivered Monday through Friday. Friday morning emails must be sent no later than 11:59 p.m. Thursday evening to assure delivery Friday morning. Return emails from campers are not available.

Letters may be mailed to or from campers and small care packages may be sent to the camper in care of the Loras All-Sports Camp. Please limit packages to shoe-box size or smaller. Oversized packages will not be delivered to campers. Due to camper allergies, we ask that you do not send balloons or flowers.

Per the camp policy, campers are not allowed to call home or permitted to bring cellular phones or two-way radios. If your camper is having a hard time adjusting to camp, a call from the head counselor or camp director will be made to you to discuss the situation. Cell phones, smart watches, pagers, or two-way radios will be taken and held until the end of the week.

Will you automatically bill my credit card on file with the balance due?

No. Unless you have selected “Charge my credit card on file” on your confirmation letter or previously set up a payment plan through the camp office, your credit card will not be billed automatically. You may pay by check, by online credit card in your camper’s online account, or by phoning in the credit card payment to the camp office at 563.588-7053.

What is a Huddle Group

A huddle group is the group your camper will be assigned to at camp. Huddle groups are made up of approximately 10-12 campers per counselor. Roommates are assigned to the same huddle group and will be together with their counselor in the residence hall and the entire day, with the exception during major and minor activities and free-time.

Huddle groups are put together based on grade; roommates must be the same grade or one grade apart. Huddles groups will consist of campers who are either all in the same grade or a mixture of campers within one grade apart (i.e. all grade five campers or a mixture of grades 4 and 5)

Can I request a Roommate or Huddle Group?

Camp is a great place to meet new friends and make lifelong memories. You may request one roommate. Please make sure the roommate also requests you. Roommates will be placed together in the same huddle group. Campers who do NOT know their roommate can request to be in a huddle with one other camper they know. Please call the office at 563.588.7053 to obtain the Loras All-Sports Camp Request Form. For Day Campers, please fill out the required Huddle Buddy Form on your camper dashboard.

Why can’t I view my camper’s assigned activities in his/her online account?

Once we begin the process of assigning activities to campers, online activities must be turned off to avoid interruptions during this process. The activities are assigned based on camper registration date and time in the order they were received into the computer. Activities will be printed on the confirmation letter and mailed and emailed in early March.

Can my child request to be in the minor sports with their friends?

Minors are sorted by a computer program and split into two equal afternoon sessions. There is no guarantee you will end up in the same minor session as your friends. Majors have only one session for each activity so campers with the same major will be together.

How will I know what my camper needs to bring to camp?

An information sheet will be included with your confirmation email. The information sheet is also available on your camper’s dashboard under Downloadable Forms. This lists all the required equipment for each sport, as well as the basic necessities a camper will need throughout the week at camp.

How can I redeem my camp voucher?

Camp vouchers in the amount of $200 or $300 will need to be mailed into the camp office to be credited towards a camper’s account. You are not able to use the vouchers towards deposits at registration time. Please mark the camper’s name on the voucher before mailing.

How much camp store money should my camper bring to camp?

Camp store money is optional. Our camp store will be open during Sunday check-in and the Camp Olympics on Friday, as well as during free-time and in the evening each day. Juices, water, candy, and clothing/hats are available for sale. Please send your camper with a combination of smaller denominations. Recommended amount to bring would be $50-$60.

What if my child will be arriving late on Sunday?

Please call the camp office to notify us of the approximate time the camper will be arriving. Campers will not be permitted to check-in after 8 p.m. on Sunday. Arrivals after 8 p.m. need to check in on Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. at the camp office in Rohlman Hall. Campers will not be permitted to check in later than 8:30 a.m. on Monday morning. Please call the camp office with any questions at 563.588.7053 or 563.588.4940.

What if my camper takes medication?

Please email our camp nurse with medication questions and information.

How can I request changes to my camper’s session or sport activities?

Please call the camp office 563.588.7053. Changes cannot be made online.

What if my camper needs to leave during the day?

We believe it is important that campers are involved in all activities of the camp. Campers are expected to remain in camp at all times. If a resident camper chooses to leave camp for other than for medical or family emergency reasons, he/she will not be allowed to return. If a day camper chooses to leave camp for other than for medical or family emergencies, he/she will not be allowed to return until the next morning.

Contact Us

Camp Office

1450 Alta Vista Street
Dubuque, IA 52001-4399
P 563.588.7053
F 563.588.4975

Office Hours

8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

9 a.m.-1 p.m.

8 a.m.-9 p.m.