
We strive to make Loras College a safe, secure place for students to live, learn, and grow. Campus safety staff advise college administration concerning safety practices, assist student life staff with investigating crime reports, and oversee traffic and vehicle registration. The office also assists with Title IX resources and reporting.

Parking Permits

Campus parking permits are valid annually from August 1 to August 1. You must register your vehicle and purchase a parking permit to park on any Loras lot. To park in student parking areas, the parking permit is $150. To park in long-term parking (lower tiers of Keane Hall lot only) the permit is $75.

Contact Us

24-hour Security

P 563.588.7100

1450 Alta Vista Street
Dubuque, Iowa 52001

Student IDs

Use your student ID for library checkout, meal plans, and access to the Lillis Athletic & Wellness Center facilities. A student ID is issued to all first-year students at no cost. These cards can be used as valid photo IDs but are not issued with a birth date.

The replacement fee for a lost or stolen card is $10 billed to your student account.

Access FOBs

Loras uses fobs for the residence hall and building access. Fobs are issued at no cost to first-year students.

The replacement cost for a lost or stolen fob is $15, billed to your student account.

Reporting a Crime or Suspicious Incident

Individuals who wish to report a crime or suspicious incident may do so in the form below. An anonymous reporting option is available below.

Clery & Annual Fire Safety Reporting

Federal regulations require Loras to provide all campus crime statistics and fire safety information to the public annually. Loras’ most recent combined Clery Crime Statistics and Annual Fire Safety Report is available below. Annual updates are provided for the previous calendar year by October 1.