Council of Independent Colleges
Online Course Sharing Consortium
To provide additional opportunities for students to complete coursework during the summer, Loras participates in the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Online Course Sharing Consortium. The consortium allows us to partner with other institutions to make a variety of online (asynchronous) summer coursework available to students.
Unlike traditional transfer credits, courses offered through the consortium are accepted as Loras College credits and are included in the calculation of the Loras GPA. This makes the consortium courses a great option for students seeking to boost their GPA by taking a summer course.
Non-Loras College Students
- Students are subject to the schedule and policies of the offering institution. Consortium courses are approved for summer term enrollment only.
Loras College Students
Please note, consortium courses may not align with Loras College summer term start and/or end dates and may overlap with the Loras College May term or fall semester dates. Loras College students enrolled in a May term course may not enroll in a consortium course that overlaps with their Loras May term class. Students are subject to the schedule and policies of the offering institution. Consortium courses are approved for Summer Term enrollment only.
Students interested in taking a course via the consortium should contact the Registrar’s Office ( for assistance with registration.
If you are looking for a course that is not listed, please let us know as we may be able to find an equivalent and add it to our list of offerings.
CIC Course Registration
Contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance with registering.
Office of the Registrar
The following consortium courses have been pre-approved for Summer 2025 and are available for registration – additional course options have been approved and can be viewed by visiting
2025 Summer Pre-Approved Courses
ACC 205 Principles of Financial Accounting (McKendree University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: ACC 228 Financial Accounting
Introductory financial accounting course emphasizing the concepts and procedures used to generate financial statements for external users. Areas studied include: information processing, accounting for specific balance sheet and income statement accounts, the cash flow statement, and financial statement analysis.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01-EL |
6/02/2025 |
7/25/2025 |
5/27/2025 |
6/10/2025 |
ART 101 Art Appreciation (North Carolina Wesleyan University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras General Education: EC requirement
An introduction to the understanding and appreciation of the visual arts through a broad survey of the principals of art. This course introduces the student to the world of visual art, architecture and visual media. Opens concepts of historical and social context, multiculturalism and cross-culturalism.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
ACS1 |
6/23/2025 |
8/01/2025 |
6/23/2025 |
7/01/2025 |
BA 3090 EOL 81: Global Business & Leadership (Indiana Institute of Technology) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: BUS 433-Global Leadership
This course will examine how businesses operate internationally and the differences which exist in today’s global business community. Students will learn the skills required to lead people in diverse global settings and how to navigate the forces at work in the international business environment.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
ASC1 |
6/02/2025 |
7/13/2025 |
5/29/2025 |
6/25/2025 |
BIO 104 Inquiry in Environmental Science (Anderson University – SC) – 4 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras General Education: ES requirement
An inquiry-based study of humans’ relationship with the natural environment using literature review, case studies, and evidence-based decision making. Topics include principles of ecology, resource use, waste management, environmental problems, alternative energy sources, and stewardship. Laboratory included. Seated sections will include face-to-face lab exercises whereas online sections will pursue inquiry activities using resources such as online databases, scientific literature, and assigned activities. No prerequisites.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
T01 |
5/12/2025 |
6/29/2025 |
5/14/2025 |
5/19/2025 |
BIO 210 Nutrition (Dordt University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: KIN 145-Nutrition
Nutrition will take us through the stages of the life span, understanding how nutrition directly impacts the body. You will learn current practices for basic nutrition in various disease conditions. You will be able to apply your knowledge in long term goals personally and professionally.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
BIO 210-SU |
6/03/2025 |
7/28/2025 |
6/04/2025 |
6/04/2025 |
BUS 303 Business Law I (McKendree University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: BUS 317-Business Law I
An introduction to law including: its foundations, torts, and topics relevant to business. Most of the course is spent studying modern contract law and its effect on business practice.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01EL |
6/02/2025 |
7/25/2025 |
5/27/2025 |
6/10/2025 |
COMM 1023 Public Speaking (Mount Vernon Nazarene University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras course: COM 110 Oral Communication as Critical Inquiry
A study in the preparation and delivery of informational and persuasive speeches.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
ACS1 |
5/19/2025 |
7/12/2025 |
5/05/2025 |
5/28/2025 |
COM 131 Public Speaking (Tabor College) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras course: COM 110 Oral Communication as Critical Inquiry
A lecture-laboratory course designed to introduce students to the principles and skills of speech preparation, speech presentation, and processes of audience analysis. The development of critical thinking and listening skills will be emphasized throughout the class.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
0 |
5/05/2025 |
6/15/2025 |
4/28/2025 |
5/07/2025 |
ENG 227 African American Literature (Endicott College) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras General Education: EC requirement
Explores the writings of African-American authors in the genres of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, autobiography, and drama from the 18th century to the present. Students study the cultural and spiritual forces that shaped African-American literature; the literature’s connection to slavery and its abolition, Reconstruction, segregation, and the Civil Rights movement; and its impact on American culture. Texts include slave narratives, poetry and fiction from the Harlem Renaissance, and works representing black realism, naturalism, modernism, and postmodernism.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
OL04 |
7/01/2025 |
8/22/2025 |
6/27/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
FA 170 Perspectives in Fine Arts (Bethel University – IN) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras General Education: EC requirement
A study of music, graphic arts, sculpture, and architecture. The recognition, appreciation, and enjoyment of the fine arts is the aim of the course. The relation of forms of expression to sociological and political influences is shown.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
X4 |
6/29/2025 |
8/16/2025 |
6/27/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
FINC 307 Business Finance (Lee University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: BUS 350-Managerial Finance
This course provides an overview of a firm’s investment and financing decisions from the perspective of the corporate manager. The time-value of money, sources and costs of short-term and long-term financing, financial analysis and interpretation, capital budgeting, and cost of capital determination are studied.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
CC1 |
7/01/2025 |
8/18/2025 |
7/01/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
HIS 262 United States History Since 1865 (McKendree University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: HIS 122-United States Since 1865
A survey of American history from the Civil War to the present.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01EL |
6/02/2025 |
7/25/2025 |
5/27/2025 |
6/10/2025 |
MTH 001 Precalculus with Trigonometry (Mount Saint Mary’s University) – 4 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: MAT 117-Pre-Calculus
MTH 1 is a course aimed at preparing students for success in first semester calculus. The course material includes treatment and applications of trigonometric functions, including equations, inequalities, systems, graphs, identities and inverses. Topics also include complex numbers, conics, sequences and series, binomial theorem, induction, matrices, polar and parametric equations, counting and probability.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
M1 |
6/30/2025 |
8/08/2025 |
6/30/2025 |
7/02/2025 |
MATU 103 Applied Mathematics (UMass Global) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras General Education: QR requirement
This course presents contemporary and historical topics in mathematics from problem solving, humanities, and business. Students will explore mathematical concepts by applying quantitative problem-solving methods to sets, cryptanalysis, number systems, geometry, art, probability, statistics, voting methods, fair division, economics, and finance topics in a real-world context.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
A01 |
6/23/2025 |
8/17/2025 |
6/20/2025 |
7/8/2025 |
MTH 123 Elementary Statistics (University of Mount Union) – 4 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: MAT 115-Statistics (QR)
A study of measures useful in giving concise descriptions of masses of numerical data. A brief study of probability theory provides the basis for an introduction to methods of testing hypotheses and measuring the confidence with which conclusions may be drawn by sampling. Historical developments of statistics and probability will be explored as will applications in various fields. Prerequisite: MTH 100 with a grade of C- or higher, or satisfactory math placement. 4 Semester Hours.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
1 |
5/12/2025 |
6/29/2025 |
5/06/2025 |
5/16/2025 |
MTH 125 Precalculus: College Algebra with Trigonometry (Doane University) – 4 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: MAT 117-Pre-Calculus
A study of topics in algebra and trigonometry that are used in calculus. Topics include functions, advanced algebra, logarithmic and exponential functions, and trigonometry. Students who successfully complete this course will have the mathematics background needed to study calculus.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
A |
5/26/2025 |
7/26/2025 |
5/21/2025 |
6/02/2025 |
MAT 140 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I (Anderson University – SC) – 4 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: MAT 150-Calculus I
Introduction to differential and integral calculus; topics include limits, differentiation and applications, integration and applications, and the calculus of the trigonometric functions.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
T01 |
5/12/2025 |
6/29/2025 |
5/14/2025 |
5/19/2025 |
MTH 170 Statistics (McKendree University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: MAT 115-Statistics (QR)
This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics, approached through intuition, algebra, and problem solving. Understanding of central concepts and methods is stressed. Practical applications in the fields of social and physical sciences are studied. Real-world problems are solved through use of statistical computer packages such as SPSS, SAS, or MINITAB.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01EL |
6/02/2025 |
7/25/2025 |
5/27/2025 |
6/10/2025 |
MAT 190 Analytic Geometry & Calculus II (Anderson University – SC) – 4 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: MAT 160-Calculus II
Continuation of MAT 140; topics include exponential and logarithm functions, inverse trigonometric functions, techniques of integration, improper integrals, indeterminate forms, sequences, and series, conics, parametric equations, and polar coordinates.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
T01 |
6/30/2025 |
8/17/2025 |
7/02/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
MATH 320 Discrete Mathematics (Franklin University) – 4 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: MAT 230-Discrete Math
This course introduces students to fundamental algebraic, logical and combinational concepts in mathematics that are needed in upper division computer science courses. Topics include logic; sets, mappings, and relations; elementary counting principles; proof techniques with emphasis on mathematical induction; graphs and directed graphs; Boolean algebras; recursion; and applications to computer science. Please note: A book fee will be included in your tuition charges for required course materials. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Q |
5/19/2025 |
8/09/2025 |
5/14/2025 |
5/25/2025 |
PSI 101 American Politics (McKendree University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: POL 101, Issues in American Politics-EI
A survey course focusing on the development, organization, and dynamics of American political processes and institutions. This course examines how the public, interest groups, the media, political parties, and the constitutional branches of government work together to produce public policies.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01EL |
6/02/2025 |
7/25/2025 |
5/27/2025 |
6/10/2025 |
PSYU 101 Introduction to Psychology (UMASS Global) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras course: PSY 101-Introductory Psychology
Introduction to the processes, principles, and problems and applications of psychology. Topics include the brain and nervous system, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning and memory, personality, social psychology and psychopathology.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
A01 |
6/23/2025 |
8/17/2025 |
6/20/2025 |
7/08/2025 |
PSY 111 General Psychology (Tabor College) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras course: PSY 101-Introductory Psychology
A comprehensive survey of the basic areas of psychology with emphasis on the scientific study of human behavior. A technical and critical evaluation of motivation, learning, perception, thinking, emotions, personality and abnormal behavior.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
0 |
6/16/2025 |
7/27/2025 |
6/09/2025 |
6/18/2025 |
PSY 150 General Psychology (Indiana Wesleyan University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras course: PSY 101-Introductory Psychology
Students will be introduced to the basic schools of thought within the field of psychology. Four major aspects of psychology will then be considered: (a) theories of personality and human development, (b) stress and adaptation, (c) interpersonal relationships and (d) psychopathology and therapy. These concepts will be explored in the light of research, personal experience, and a consideration of Biblical principles that apply to the study of human behavior. Throughout this introductory overview of the field, students will be assessed in, reflect upon, discuss, and write about the insights gained about themselves.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01A |
6/03/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
6/01/2025 |
6/30/2025 |
01B |
7/15/2025 |
8/18/2025 |
7/13/2025 |
8/11/2025 |
01D |
7/15/2025 |
8/18/2025 |
7/13/2025 |
8/11/2025 |
01E |
7/15/2025 |
8/18/2025 |
7/13/2025 |
8/11/2025 |
01K | 7/15/2025 | 8/18/2025 | 7/13/2025 | 8/11/2025 |
01N | 7/15/2025 | 8/18/2025 | 7/13/2025 | 8/11/2025 |
01R | 7/15/2025 | 8/18/2025 | 7/13/2025 | 8/11/2025 |
01W | 7/15/2025 | 8/18/2025 | 7/13/2025 | 8/11/2025 |
PSY 153 Introduction to Psychology (McKendree University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras course: PSY 101-Introductory Psychology
Principles and facts necessary for an introduction to the scientific understanding of human behavior on a biological and social-personal level. Provides an introduction to basic concepts necessary for specialization in the field.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01EL |
6/02/2025 |
7/25/2025 |
5/27/2025 |
6/10/2025 |
PSY 250 Developmental Psychology (Indiana Wesleyan University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras course: PSY 121-Lifespan Development
A survey of human development and changes throughout the life cycle.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01A |
6/03/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
6/01/2025 |
6/30/2025 |
01C |
6/03/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
6/01/2025 |
6/30/2025 |
01B |
7/15/2025 |
8/18/2025 |
7/13/2025 |
8/11/2025 |
SC 110 Nutrition (Fisher College) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras course: KIN 145-Nutrition
This course will help students become aware of the role that essential nutrients play in maintaining overall health. Course content will focus on how the components of the digestive system carry out their life-supporting functions to maintain homeostasis and how metabolic processes involving nutrients maintain life. The role of nutrient supplements and phytochemicals is explored. Diets for athletes, fad diets, weight and body composition, eating disorders, and food safety are covered extensively. Students will analyze their personal nutrient intakes by using diet analysis software.
Teams Live Session participation is required in all Fisher College online courses. Participation is defined as attending the live environment, or watching a recorded session. Fisher College instructors offer an alternative (recordings) to the students who are unable to attend live, in an effort to keep online education as flexible as possible.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
W1 |
5/19/2025 |
6/15/2025 |
5/19/2025 |
5/20/2025 |
W1 |
6/30/2025 |
8/22/2025 |
7/03/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
SC 114 Nutrition Health and Fitness (Albertus Magnus College)-3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: KIN 145-Nutrition
This course provides a comprehensive introduction into the vital role nutrition plays in enhancing one’s health and fitness. Throughout the course students will be exposed to current research and literature along with practical activities. Topics studied will include, but are not limited to, the basic principles of nutrition, our energy systems and energy yielding nutrients, vitamins, minerals and body weight loss/gain through proper nutrition and exercise. This course will also provide insight on nutrition for fitness as well as throughout the life cycle. Bon appétit! Twice weekly attendance is achieved by timely submission of assignments
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Summer 2025 |
5/27/2025 |
7/17/2025 |
5/29/2025 |
5/30/2025 |
SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology (Indiana Wesleyan University) – 3 Credits
Credit awarded for Loras Course: SOC 115-Sociology in Action (EI)
An introductory analysis of the individual in culture and society, using a biblical framework.
Section |
Session |
Session |
Session |
Session |
01A |
6/03/2025 |
7/07/2025 |
6/01/2025 |
6/30/2025 |
01B |
7/15/2025 |
8/18/2025 |
7/13/2025 |
8/11/2025 |
01D |
7/15/2025 |
8/18/2025 |
7/13/2025 |
8/11/2025 |
01E |
7/15/2025 | 8/18/2025 | 7/13/2025 | 8/11/2025 |