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Skybridge connecting the Loras Alumni Campus Center (ACC) to the Athletic and Wellness Center (AWC)

SigEp 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

October 12 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Come join your fellow Sig Ep alumni and many “founding Fathers” to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Iowa Eta’s chartering on the Loras College campus.

Schedule of Events
6:00 pm – Cocktail Hour
7:00 pm – Dinner and Program

Dinner Options: Salmon or Roast Beef

Please RSVP by September 27 by completing the registration form below.
Any questions? Contact or 563.588.7283.

Full listing of weekend events:


Golf at Dubuque Golf & Country Club – RSVP here.
12:00 pm Tee Off
Green and cart fees paid upon arrival $96

Happy Hour
Hosted by Tom (’89) & Barb Barton
4:00 – 8:00 p.m. at their home
No need for formal RSVP. 



Social on Keane Hall Porch
12:00 to 4:00 pm
Open Bar and Snacks
No need for formal RSVP. 

Dinner and Social
Loras College Ballrooms, Alumni Campus Center
6:00 pm – Cocktail Hour
7:00 pm – Dinner & Program
$50 per person


Hotels available with blocks of rooms are available at:

Holiday Inn Downtown   $159 per night

450 Main Street, Dubuque – Phone 563-556-2000

Hotel Julien $249 per night

200 Main Street, Dubuque – Phone 563-556-4200

Mention SigEp Anniversary when making your reservation.



Alumni Campus Center Ballroom
754 Loras Blvd
Loras College, Dubuque, IA 52001
+ Google Map


Loras Alumni