Education / Elementary
Fostering Faith and Teaching Grace
As an elementary education major at Loras College, Amanda Soat ('25) understands the importance of gaining practical teaching experience before graduating... More
Education Students Benefit from PDS Initiative
Prior to the student teaching internship at Loras, our PDS model provides teacher candidates with valuable experience in the classroom where there are opportunities to close the gap between theory and practice. More
Food & Family
2012 graduate, Abby (Moore) Lawrence, just celebrated her 10-year Loras Reunion at Homecoming 2022. In addition to the time she spent planning her reunion, Abby has been spending her days working with Verena Street Coffee in Dubuque, starting a barbeque business with her husband, and adjusting to life as a new parent. More
Duhawk Dozen Podcast: Kellie Klein
Kellie Klein (’13) is affectionately known as “Fun Aunt Kellie” to most. Kellie has stayed incredibly connected with her network of Duhawk alumni and is doing nothing short of amazing work in the classroom, on the softball field, and in the entirety of the Dubuque community. More
Teacher of the Year
2013 grad, Kellie Klein, is doing nothing short of amazing work in the classroom, on the softball field, and in the entirety of the Dubuque community. Kellie started her work with the Dubuque Community School District in 2014, and ever since she has adapted and grown to an ever-changing education system. More