
Lisa Grinde  PhD

Associate Professor of Psychology


BA, Northern Michigan University, 1994
MS, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1997
PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1999

Dr. Grinde earned her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University. Her teaching and research interests are in early child development, parent-child relationships in later adulthood and cross-cultural issues.

Grinde teaches Developmental Psychology, Cross-cultural Psychology, Research Methods and Statistics, Psychology of Stress and Coping, and Adulthood and Aging. Her research involves studying the current trends of less time outdoors and more time on technology on young children’s development, as well as adult children’s expectations and feelings of obligations regarding caring for their aging parents. Grinde’s favorite class activity is PlayDay in Developmental Psychology. She brings in bags full of toys and students spend the class period playing — and also critically thinking about and discussing how the different toys promote physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. She always has someone who signs a finger painting and asks her to hang it in her office (next to the artwork from her children).