David Pitt PhD
Professor of Theology
Sacramental/Liturgical Theologian
MA, St. John’s University, 1998
PhD, University of Notre Dame, 2007
Dr. Pitt is trained as a liturgical historian and as a liturgical musician. His PhD in theology (liturgical studies) is from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, where he researched the reform of the rite for adult initiation in the Roman Catholic Church following the Second Vatican Council. His MA in liturgical music (organ performance and composition) is from St. John’s University, Minnesota. These academic interests guide his teaching and his research, motivating him to investigate areas in which the tradition of the church informs and directs contemporary pastoral practice. He co-edited A Living Tradition: Essays on the Intersection of Liturgical History and Pastoral Practice (Liturgical Press, 2012). Author of over sixty essays, articles, and book reviews, he has especially focused on the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), the liturgical year, and liturgical music.