
2024 Spring Dean’s List

Congratulations for Outstanding Academic Achievement

The following Loras College students were recognized for academic achievement during the recent semester by Dr. Donna Heald, Loras College provost and academic dean. To be eligible, a student must earn a minimum grade-point average of 3.50 for the term and be a full-time student taking at least 12 graded credits (pass/fail courses are excluded). The Dean’s List is compiled at the completion of each semester.

Dylan G. Ackermann
Seth C. Aiello
Derek J. Almada
Maria L. Andersen
Daniel R. Anderson
Abigail K. Apeland
Heath H. Atz
Bianca L. Bafia
Beau L. Baker
Cameron Banigan
Brianna N. Baron
Myles P. Barry
Bryan M. Basinger
Keaton M. Bauer
Giovanni Bazzanella
Mary C. Bean
Gage A. Becker
Graceann F. Beckett
Jack A. Beehler
Derek T. Behrens
Alexis Beier
Jacob T. Belha
Natalie L. Bemer
Daniela C. Bernal
Subrat Bhattarai
Sadikshya Bhattarai
Prashant Bhattarai
Natalie R. Bittner
Bryar M. Blean
Brady J. Blean
Christopher M. Blong
Martin P. Blythe
Liam K. Bochenski
Ellie M. Bockenstedt
Mallory P. Boehle
Jacob Bonnett
Brock Booth
Ian T. Borelli
Ashli J. Bossom
Mary E. Breitbach
Tanner H. Brooks
Ian D. Broshous
Estella D. Brown
Wade E. Brown
Nora M. Bruxvoort
Isabel Buchanan
Rachel A. Burke
Hannah E. Busch
Ella K. Bushman
Patrick T. Cahill
Kathleen F. Cain
Katie C. Callahan
Samuel Canas
Marcella F. Carda
Kaden J. Carnes
Jack P. Carney
Jack L. Carr
Olivia G. Carroll
Jolene C. Cashmore
Anthony R. Catalano
Allen R. Catour
Francesca R. Chaidez
Ana C. Chandlee
Joseph Cibulka
Declan J. Ciurlik
Peter T. Coakley
Emma K. Coates
Elizabeth F. Coleman
Henry C. Condo
Sarah D. Conley
Morgan E. Cook
John M. Cornelius
Stephanie Cortes
Matthew R. Costa
Michael V. Coy
Kolten R. Crawford
Ian R. Critelli
Jackson P. Cullen
Grace E. Cummins
Vanessa I. Curry
Douglas R. Custis
Isabella D. D’Amico
Sydney L. Davis
Brian M. Day
Connor J. Day
Frank A. Day
Dorothy J. Deans
Riley A. Deere
Abigail M. Determan
Nicholas L. Dibenedetto
Mary Dickhaut
Rebecca M. Diddia
Drew S. Diers
Amani S. Dorsey
Chloe D. Dunigan
Nicholas Q. Dustin
Alexander J. Dvorak
Gavin P. Eddy
Laney R. Edgeton
Zachary J. Ehrler
Evan B. England
Page E. Erickson
Dylan G. Ervin
Zoe H. Espiridon
Emily K. Fields
Selena M. Fischer
Blake H. Fitzgerrel
Taylor A. Flaig
Cormaic R. Flynn
Madison G. Foels
Liberty A. Foht
Dustin J. Foht
Matthew B. Foote
Rachel A. Fosler
Ava R. Franklin
Matthew L. Franz
Devin D. Freeman
Quinn P. Frese
Elliot L. Frideres
Daniel Galiana Torres
Audra M. Gallick
Nayle Garces
Michael J. Garrett
Rachel E. Garrett
Sean R. Gelski
Lily K. Gifford
Samantha L. Giglio
Zebulon N. Gnida
Aubrey K. Goedken
Max J. Golembiewski
Carrington C. Gray
Noah J. Gray
Ava L. Gustafson
Zackary C. Haaland
Sydney A. Hall
Margaret G. Hamilton
Adam R. Hanten
Adrian Steven Harmening Gomez
Lola K. Hart
Bethannie E. Hartman
James P. Hartnett
Morgan E. Haus
Ryan M. Haywood
Sean M. Haywood
Rory T. Heer
Chase Z. Hefel
Andrew Hefel
Luke P. Heithoff
Annabelle Held
Ashlyn Hemm
Samantha A. Henry
Andrew T. Herbst
Aidan M. Herrick
Mitchell W. Heuer
Jacob T. Hinkle
Khristian J. Hoard
Jacob J. Hocking
Logan M. Hoger
Charles F. Holmes
Aubrey L. Horbach
Sara Hoskins
Kellen S. Howard
Layla K. Hughes
Alyssa Hughes
Luke X. Huiskamp
Paul R. Huiskamp
Caroline A. Hutchinson
Gabriel C. Ibanez
Owen R. Ivanuck
Henry M. Ivers
Emily E. Jackson
Paige E. Jacobs
Daniella R. Jarrell
Patrycja A. Jarzabek
Nikolas R. Jemilo
Emmett O. Jeske
Matthew Johll
Coby L. Johnson
Tess O. Johnson
Savannah C. Johnson
Isabel R. Johnson
Hunter E. Jones
Gillian G. Jones
Austin P. Jorgensen
Elise M. Kalina
Kareem Kassas
Ethan W. Kelly
William J. Kieffer
Eric M. Kinkaid
Jarrett D. Kinney
Isabelle A. Kipp
Avery R. Kittl
Laurissa J. Klapatauskas
Jacob N. Klaung
Julia Klein
Brandon R. Kloeckner
Kolby F. Knautz
Joseph K. Kock
Meredith J. Koenen
Raelyn M. Koenig
Kelly Kohlhof
Grace S. Kopcio
Collin F. Koschnik
Andrew J. Krause
Benjamin M. Krogman
Matthew J. Kruse
Theodore B. Kruse
Kyra L. Kuehn
Brad J. Lagrange
Jake J. Lamonto
Isaac G. Landwehr
Cooper R. Larsen
William D. Larson
Sarah A. Lawrence
Whitney C. Leipold
Jakob D. Lenzmeier
Stephanie Leon
Alian G. Leon-Jaramillo
Reagan M. Lindsay
Alexander R. Link
William R. Lipsius
Emmett J. Loew
Emmett J. Loomis
Diego E. Lopez
Cainan E. Lovan
Kaylee M. Luke
Morgan M. Lyon
Abbigail Maberry
Juliana M. Mace
Morgan M. Machovec
Dominic J. Mailloux
Gabriel T. Mailloux
Eliana E. Malatt
Payton M. Markowski
Olivia K. Martinelli
Corey D. Mayotte
James V. McArthur
Maxwell T. McCallum
Jack M. McCluskey
Sean L. McCluskey
Jaxon A. McDonald
Daniel A. McGreal
Patrick N. McGreevey
Miranda E. McHugh
Payton N. Meier
Oscar Mejia
Cory S. Melchor
Nelson G. Melon
Cameron J. Menini
Cade A. Messer
John D. Mettham
Catherine M. Meyer
Abraham J. Michel
Carson L. Michels
Taylor J. Miles
Olivia J. Miller
Michael F. Mixan
Laila M. Moellering
Emily F. Mohr
Emily E. Monahan
Jessica M. Montgomery
William K. Moonan
Clair G. Moore
Gabrielle G. Moran
Ellanor A. Morrissey
Jordan R. Morthland
Alexandros Moysidis
Conor F. Mulcrone
Clare N. Murphy
Landis W. Musser
Alicia A. Nachtman
Colin Nelson
Emma A. Nelson
Lydia M. Nelson
Marley K. Noles
Nora D. Noonan
Declan O’Connor
Abby L. O’Connor
Keelin M. O’Mahony
Justin A. Obaldo
Brady G. Oberfoell
Ezra C. Okey
John D. Ostrander
Daniel J. Otting
Jared J. Pearson
Rachel J. Peat
Ellen J. Pechan
Elizabeth K. Perry
Brant K. Perry
Daken J. Pessman
Kelly K. Peterson
Isaiah K. Peterson
Preston Petrusek
Ashley Pfadenhauer
Elijah D. Pflipsen
Margaret M. Phelps
Abbigail E. Pierce
Nicholas P. Pierro
Michael D. Posegate
Maliyah J. Powell
Delaney R. Powers
Rylee Quillen
Ann E. Quinn
Hannah M. Quinones
Morgan K. Ramirez
Samyush B. Rana
Cassidy R. Randl
Erin E. Rankin
Zachary A. Reddinger
Genevieve K. Reed
Noah Reid
Aiden G. Rice
Jacob D. Richtman
Gabriel G. Roberts
Andrew M. Robey
Gabriel K. Roche
Thomas Roche
Isabelle A. Rockow
Diego J. Rodriguez
Daniel A. Rogers
Maggie K. Rose
Margaret P. Rosen
Kadin J. Ross-Ellinor
Kyle J. Rowan
Shandi Rulli
Lauren M. Runde
Antonio Russo
Eric J. Rutherford
Emalee Ryder
Spencer Sahm
Christina M. Salerno
Than H. San
Alex M. Sandoval
Kiernan E. Scace
Silvana R. Scarsella
Abigail L. Schafer
Ryder K. Schingoethe
Clare B. Schlickman
Hannah M. Schmitz
Zoe I. Schmitz
Thomas Schnaufer
Lucas A. Schoaf
Tanner Schoulte
Wyatt A. Schulte
Anthony B. Schwarz
Kyleigh E. Schwendeman
Laura C. Segura
Nicole E. Sessoms
Jasslee J. Shaffer
Nikesh S. Shah
Katelyn C. Shaputis
Sean D. Shealer
Austin W. Sheldon
Charles Sieg
Bennett C. Sierens
Ernesto M. Silva
Lauren N. Silva
Kyrah A. Sissel
Grace A. Skarbek
Katherine J. Skoumal
Connor F. Smith
Jillian M. Smith
Bridgette H. Smith
Emmalee M. Snitkey
Amanda M. Soat
Drake K. Sorensen
Sophia D. Sosa
Willem E. Speltz
Reagan J. Spence
Meghan J. Stapleton
Tyler D. Steines
Madyson Stephan
Kayla Stich
Conor L. Stringer
Molly M. Strohmeyer
Cody J. Sunny
Emily C. Surma
Henry C. Suttie
Elizabeth Szynal
Zachary S. Talbot
Anna G. Tallman
Scott P. Talmadge
Matthew Tarson
Heloisa S. Teixeira
Aerionna E. Thomas
Mariah E. Thompson
Emily C. Thompson
Ella T. Tracy
Yat Yi Tsang
Matthew Tvedt
Carson G. Vaske
Bailey N. Vaughan
Emily P. Vaughn
Drew Venteicher
Duane T. Vetter
Riley J. Vice
Aaliyah Waggoner
Katherine E. Walsh
Ethan J. Walz
Amelia J. Ward
Jessen A. Weber
Jacob J. Weber
Cole H. Weber
Peter A. Weirup
Karly E. Weiss
Abigail L. Welter
Ethan B. Wertzberger
Jacob S. Westermeyer
Jordan D. Wiers
Hallie A. Wilgenbusch
Alex W. Wilson
August Witt
Mason B. Wohlfeil
Collin Woods
Keagan T. Wurth
Jessica D. Yelaska
Joshua J. Young
Sophie A. Younkin
Jacob A. Zeal

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