
four international students celebrating Duhawk Day

Engaged in the Experience

Robert Waterbury

Sadie Bhattarai (’25) in an extrovert who likes to stay busy. When it comes to her time at Loras, she those traits are well served.

When it comes to her time at Loras, she doesn’t have to work to find a silver lining.

“I love everything about it here. I enjoy every single day,” she said.

Part of what keeps Bhattarai so happy is her constant activity. In addition to her academics, she is a peer advisor, residence assistant, LULAC member, and involved in the interfaith program. Coming from Nepal, she sees this opportunity to gain as many experiences as she can and doesn’t want to miss out.

Maybe the activity that has been the most significant is her role in helping establish the new Loras Global Student Union. As the organization’s first president, she is delighted to be playing a role to ensure more students are engaged and able to share their voices on campus.

“The Global Student Union is something I am very proud of,” she said. “Having that established means so much because this is home to me. When I say I am going home, I mean the first floor of Beckman Hall. Having this group of friends has been so important. I want to bring change in the world and that is something we are doing with this organization.”

Her enthusiasm carries over into her pursuit of a degree in creative media She attended an international high school in Myanmar and was encouraged by her teachers to continue her education in the United States. Bhattarai found Loras through one of her sister’s connections.

“My sister’s boss, Sanjit Pradhananga (’09), went to Loras and has been very successful. I thought, ‘if he’s successful, going to Loras means I will be successful.’ I know I want to do something in media and I really love the program here. I am constantly learning new things,” she explained.

Education is of significant importance to Bhattarai.

“I am hungry for learning. I enjoy it so much that it doesn’t feel like work to me. The worst thing I can think of is sitting at home alone and not experiencing or learning something new. This is just a joy.”

That joy is leading her to cultivate a path that ties her love of media to a pursuit of supporting and encouraging women.

“I want to work with women as career. Coming from Nepal, women are a second-class citizen, I don’t want anyone to discriminate me for that reason. I like the idea of making documentaries with a focus on issues, like equality and immigration.

As for where she hopes this experience takes her, Bhattarai is thinking big.

“My big goal is to work in the U.N. I love to travel and go to different countries to work with women and empower them and myself, and continue learning every day. What more could I ask for?”

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