Robert Keller PhD (MBA '18)
Professor of Mathematics and Analytics
PhD, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, 1999
MBA, Loras College, 2018
Robert Keller is a Professor of Mathematics and the Applied Analytics Program Director. Rob has taught at Loras since earning his PhD in Mathematics in 1999 from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
From 2000-2004 he taught 5th- and 6th-grade Dubuque public school students part-time through the Talented and Gifted program. For the past decade, Rob has delivered professional development in mathematics, and more recently in STEM education, for practicing K-12 teachers. These have included workshops for high school teachers transitioning to a standards-based beginning algebra series and more than six years as a lead organizer and presenter for the Loras College Lesson Study Project. Funded by several large grants, this project was a successful partnership involving the Mississippi Bend and Keystone Area Education Agencies and educators from Loras College that ultimately served hundreds of teachers throughout eastern Iowa.
Currently, he is co-director of a multi-year title IIA-funded project which seeks to build capacity to deliver integrated middle school science and mathematics content. More than 50 middle school teachers from six school districts are currently involved in this unique project. Rob has also been active in the education and formation of future K-12 teachers. He co-directed the development of a two-course sequence in mathematics content for K-8 teachers at Loras College (funded by a Preparing Mathematicians to Educate Teachers grant awarded through the NSF and Mathematics Association of America), which he now regularly teaches. He has collaborated with Bridgette Stevens (formerly at the University of Northern Iowa) on testing methods to promote the integration of reflective practices in mathematics courses for elementary teachers, work that was funded by an inter-institutional grant from UNI. In addition, from 2002-2004 Rob led efforts with Joyce Becker of Luther College and Catherine Miller of the University of Northern Iowa to update Iowa state requirements for pre-service Secondary Math Education majors (with funding by grants from the Regents Academy and UNI).