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Duhawk Dozen | Fr. Charles Warren (’14)

Loras College Marketing

Since graduating in 2014, Fr. Charles Warren, often thinks back on just how impactful his time as a Duhawk was. “One of the biggest reasons that ‘Father’ shows up in front of my name is because of Loras College.” As Fr. Warren navigated his Loras experience, he felt his heart being called to love in a way he hadn’t considered before. There were countless faculty, staff, and classmates that helped guide Fr. Warren during his time as a student; but there were three lay classmates, outside of the seminary, that impacted Fr. Warren most through their hard work and spirituality. “I still regularly chat with some of my classmates, and we keep up with each other; I am very grateful for that.”

Reflecting on his time at Loras, Fr. Warren recalls what a formative experience working with Dr. Craig Schaefer was for him. “It changed the way I saw the world,” Fr. Warren started. “I started to see how to better tell stories and walk with individuals in their stories.” Outside of the classroom, Fr. Warren was a reporter on Loras College Television (LCTV), now DuMedia, and was able to come out of his shell through his reporting. “I am a quiet guy, but it was great to be a part of a community that showed me I had something to contribute by using my voice and telling stories.” This storytelling skill set was something that carried over to his life in the priesthood. Whether it be in his daily life at Marian Central Catholic High School, or in his Homilies at Mass, he can find stories that resonate with his entire audience. In his first Homily at St. Rita Parish, Fr. Warren recalled his first time Reposing the Eucharist following adoration. What started as a funny anecdote of his experience, ended with a powerful message: “God will always still love you.” That ability to transcend an everyday story and create a life lesson is something that started in Hoffman Hall. “I am really grateful for all the faculty in the Media Studies program that helped me become a storyteller.”

After being with a parish for two years, Fr. Warren joined the Marian Central Catholic staff as a teacher and Spiritual Director and fully admits that high school is much different than the real world. “I have only been a priest for 3 years,” Fr. Warren started. “A part of that process is learning new things and adapting – and the High School students are in the same position. The conversations are different every day, but so intentional.” While balancing attendance at late-night games and choral performances as well as conversations with students about where they belong in the world; Fr. Warren goes back to his friends from Loras for advice. “I ask some of my classmates for their advice so I can best help my students and that they know they are loved and respected.”

Fr. Warren truly embodies the Loras Dispositions in all that he does. His ability to engage with the youth and help them develop in mind and spirit are what makes him this month’s Duhawk Dozen.

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