
man in front of group presenting

Leonetti’s Journey of Faith and Evangelization

Jon Leonetti, a 2007 Loras graduate, has become a prominent voice in Catholic media. He has written several books and hosted The Jon Leonetti Show on Iowa Catholic Radio. His journey from philosophy major to Catholic speaker and evangelist is a testament to the enduring impact of a Loras education and the power of following one’s calling.

Leonetti’s path to becoming a Catholic speaker and evangelist began in high school. “As I neared the end of high school, I felt an increasing call to speak about Our Lord,” he recalls. This calling led him to Loras College’s seminary program, where he spent what he describes as “some of the best years of my life discerning God’s plan for me.”

Although Leonetti ultimately realized that the priesthood wasn’t his vocation, his time at Loras was instrumental in shaping his future. “I came to understand the Lord was still inviting me to share his message as a married man,” he explains.

For the past fifteen years, Leonetti has been a fixture on Iowa Catholic Radio, eventually taking over as host of the morning show. “It has truly been the time of my life,” he says. His tenure as a radio host will culminate in October 2024, when he transitions to hosting a long-form podcast in partnership with the station.

For Leonetti, the most memorable moments of his career are often the quietest ones. “None are as meaningful as the brief email, or the two-minute conversation at the back of a Church, where someone tells me that I made them think, inspired them to go back to Mass or Reconciliation, or helped them begin the process of forgiving someone in their life,” he shares.

Drawing from his own experience, Leonetti offers valuable advice to current Loras students discerning their vocations: “Spend time alone with God and ask Him what He wants for your life. There is no greater joy than following God’s call.”

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