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Real Talk and Real Growth at the Fountain of Youth

August Witt (’26), a Loras student from Decorah, IA, is making the most of his internship at the Fountain of Youth. There, he facilitates ‘Real Talk’ groups in the office space and at the Dubuque County Jail, meets one-on-one with participants in the ‘Partners in Change’ program, and hosts the ‘Real Talk Uncensored’ podcast on Spotify and YouTube.

August, a social work and psychology major, says he loves the freedom to challenge himself across all aspects of Fountain of Youth’s work, continuously growing and learning how to facilitate groups and counsel individuals. August adds being in charge of the podcast has allowed him to learn more about editing and interviewing, which he never imagined he’d be able to do when he started. After graduation, August plans to pursue a master’s degree and open his own private practice as a mental health therapist. He credits Loras for exposing him to Fountain of Youth and CEO Caprice Jones.

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