
Thinking about a career change? Have you completed your undergraduate degree and want to become a high school or middle school teacher?

This coursework combines theory and practice, ensuring that you have early and frequent opportunities to gain experience and apply you knowledge in the school setting. We provide the foundational and pedagogical skills needed to support strong preparation and future teaching success. Our curriculum sets the foundation for the cumulative employment portfolio, which concluded after student teaching.

Application Deadlines

Fall Enrollment

Materials due July 1

Spring Enrollment

Materials due December 1

Post-deadline applications are considered on an individual basis.

Areas of Licensure Offered

Those who have earned a bachelor’s degree in one of the content areas below can complete the necessary coursework and field experiences to become licensed educators in their respective subjects.

Application Process & Requirements

  1. We will work with you to review your prior coursework and develop a program completion plan. Please contact AJ Rachal, Director of Admission for Graduate and Professional Education, to begin this process:
  2. Please create an account and apply online. There is no application fee. In the Student Profile section within the application, select “Professional Development” as the Student Type, then select “Secondary Education Teacher Licensure Program” as the Academic Program. (Please note that you do not have to upload anything to the Materials section of the application).
  3. Send official transcripts from each institution attended  (including undergraduate and graduate) to: Loras College Graduate Admissions, Attn: AJ Rachal, 1450 Alta Vista Street, Dubuque, IA 52001

For a transcript to be considered official, it must be mailed in a sealed envelope from that institution’s Registrar’s Office directly to Loras College Graduate Admissions.

Transcript “issued to student” as well as faxed and copied transcripts will not be considered official. Official electronic transcripts ordered through a service such as Credential Services or National Student Clearinghouse are also acceptable.

Licensure Coursework & Requirements

36 Credits – all courses but those noted are 3 credits

  • Foundations of Education
  • Foundations of Inclusive Education
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Multicultural Education
  • Differentiated Instruction, Grades 5-12 (2 cr)
  • General Secondary Curriculum & Instruction
  • Secondary Curriculum Methods – content area
  • Intermediate Clinical, Grades 5-12 (1 cr)
  • Reading in the Middle & Secondary School
  • Student Teaching (10 cr)
  • Capstone Seminar (2 cr)

Students are admitted to the Teacher Education Program after the successful completion of the first three courses listed above and a passing score on the Praxis Core basic skills test.  A minimum g.p.a. of 2.75 is required to continue in the program. Beyond the successful completion of all program requirements, the state requires that individuals seeking licensure pass an FBI background check and present a passing score on the Praxis II exam in both content and pedagogy.

Flexible & Convenient

Courses are taught during the day or late afternoon hours. Our courses are offered face-to-face and you may pursue their studies part-time.

Courses are taught in a traditional classroom setting, leveraging technology to fully engage the breadth of teaching and learning pedagogies.

You may complete the coursework in as few as four semesters or over a longer period of time depending on your needs and prior preparation.

Student Experience

Students have both content area and education faculty advisors ensuring integration across all requirements.

Diverse field experiences locally and throughout the region to best support student preparation.

Professional Development School

All students participate in a Professional Development School prior to student teaching which provides an immersive, collaborative connection to mentor teachers that support students in applying and reflecting upon best teaching practices.


The Loras Teacher Education program is approved by the state of Iowa and holds membership in the Iowa Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will the program cost?

Students in this program pay undergraduate tuition on a per credit basis, unless they are full time at 12+ credits per term. Please see the undergraduate section of our Tuition and Fees page for detailed cost information.

Is financial aid or scholarships available?

You may be eligible for financial aid. Individual circumstances vary and should be discussed with our financial planning office.

While Loras College is not able to offer scholarships to students who have already completed an undergraduate degree, there are some sites that gather information for career changer students: StudentScholarshipSearch is one option and searching for scholarships using keywords “nontraditional students” and “second bachelor’s degrees” may prove valuable. Information on grants for students pursuing a teaching degree is available through this site run by the Department of Education.

What is the format of classes?

Courses in this program are sequenced, daytime courses offered in person on the Loras campus.

How long will the program take to complete?

Students may complete the coursework in as few as four semesters but the timeline will vary depending on prior preparation.

Students must complete all six courses with passing grades in order to fulfill the CFP® Certification Education requirement. You must complete your curriculum within five years of passing your first course to ensure you are mastering relevant material.

Once a financial services professional has been authorized to add the CFP® designation to their title, they are also required to recertify with 30 hours of continuing education credit every two years, including three hours of ethics CE credit.

Can I work while in this program?

It would depend on your work schedule and the number of courses you are enrolled in per semester.

If I get licensed in Iowa, can I teach in another state? How does that work?

Each state has its own out-of-state licensure application process for candidates who have been prepared and already licensed elsewhere. Candidates must first be licensed in the state where they are prepared before pursuing licensure in another state.

What if my undergraduate degree is in something other than the content areas listed above?

Loras College is only able to recommend licensure in the content areas listed above. However, all previous coursework will be evaluated to determine eligibility.

What if I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree more than 10 years ago? Will it still count toward this licensure?

All previous coursework will be evaluated to determine equivalency as there is no standard timeline associated with determining the currency of coursework.

Get in Touch

AJ Rachal 

Director of Graduate Admission

Meet Your Professors

Aryn D Kruse  PhD

Assistant Professor of Education

headshot Scott Scheuerell

Scott Scheuerell  PhD (’95)

Professor of Education

Alexandria (Alli) Steepleton  MA (’15)

Assistant Professor of Education

photo of Hilarie Welsh

Hilarie Welsh  PhD

Associate Professor of Education
First Year Director